Copy myButcherShop.apk to your android smartphone, open it and click on install.
Note: In order to install app from apk files, you should go to Settings -> Security -> Device Administration and enable Unknow Sources option.
This android app will display a list of products. When the user select a product from the list, it will open a new view with detail information of the product, which includes:
- Title
- Price
- Country of origin
- Picture
- Description
This project was developed using Android Studio 2.2.2 for Android 6.0 (Marshmallow).
- Gson ( - used to convert JSON data in a Java Object.
- Espresso - used to write Android UI tests.
The project is composed of 6 classes:
- Activities
- MainActivity - Get's data of products and display them as a list on the screen. When the user clicks on a product, it will open ProductDetailActivity.
- ProductDetailActivity - Receives product detail data from MainActivity and shows on the screen.
- CustomListAdapter - Builds the list of product with an image and title in each row.
- Model
- Product - this class represents the model of each product.
- ProductDetail - extends Product class including more fields to describe a product.
- Services
- ProductService - mock service that gets data and implements methods that returns products list and product detail by ID.
Unit test was performed on ProductService class and can be find on app/src/test
The UI test was performed using Espresso, as recomended by Android developer page. The test can be find in app/src/androidTest