A stock exchange for the next generation.
- Flutter
- Bloc
- SyncFusion
- Get a copy of
- Create
for notes.
- flutter build web
- flutter run -d chrome
- Make sure asset files are in Android as well?
Why isn't an asset in assets available on web?
- Because we have to include them in web/assets & declare them in web/manifest.json for them to be bundled in the build process
How to ensure firebase events are sent to the correct project?
- iOS:
- Open from XCode so CLI args respected:
- These guys: -FIRDebugEnabled, -FIRAnalyticsDebugEnabled
- Restart emulator.
- Open issue:
- Open from XCode so CLI args respected:
- Android:
- Enable live debugging of events:
adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app 231022961791
adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.example.rse
- Restart emulator
- Enable live debugging of events:
- iOS: