This repo is a fork of openxlab.
The source files are unchanged except for:
- Adding a pyproject.toml file
- Relaxing Python version requirements
# If you have the existing openxlab, you may need to unistall it
pip uninstall openxlab
pip install openxlab@git+
If you use requirements.txt, use the following:
openxlab @ git+
openxlab has a types module, which shadows Python's types module. To get around this:
mkdir .venv
cd .venv
python -m venv .
The upstream version of openxlab & pip-check-updates is in requirements-dev.txt. This allows inspection & copying of the upstream source into this project.
.venv/bin/pcu ./requirements-dev.txt
rsync -avh .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openxlab/* ./ --delete