I am currently working on #2369 and in turn adding a new serializer effectively breaks its use with Core's server due to the version of prefect that the server has being behind (using the latest
In [14]: f = Flow('a', environment=RemoteDaskEnvironment(address="yes"))
In [15]: f.register()
Result Handler check: OK
ClientError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-15-11702a1d3250> in <module>
----> 1 f.register()
~/Desktop/code/prefect/src/prefect/core/ in register(self, project_name, build, labels, set_schedule_active, version_group_id, no_url, **kwargs)
1371 set_schedule_active=set_schedule_active,
1372 version_group_id=version_group_id,
-> 1373 no_url=no_url,
1374 )
1375 return registered_flow
~/Desktop/code/prefect/src/prefect/client/ in register(self, flow, project_name, build, set_schedule_active, version_group_id, compressed, no_url)
624 serialized_flow=serialized_flow,
625 set_schedule_active=set_schedule_active,
--> 626 version_group_id=version_group_id,
627 )
628 ),
~/Desktop/code/prefect/src/prefect/client/ in graphql(self, query, raise_on_error, headers, variables, token)
223 elif "Malformed Authorization header" in str(result["errors"]):
224 raise AuthorizationError(result["errors"])
--> 225 raise ClientError(result["errors"])
226 else:
227 return GraphQLResult(result) # type: ignore
ClientError: [{'message': "Invalid flow: {'environment': {'type': ['Unsupported value: RemoteDaskEnvironment']}}", 'locations': [{'line': 2, 'column': 5}], 'path': ['create_flow_from_compressed_string'], 'extensions': {'code': 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', 'exception': {'errors': [{'message': "Invalid flow: {'environment': {'type': ['Unsupported value: RemoteDaskEnvironment']}}", 'locations': [], 'path': ['create_flow_from_compressed_string']}]}}}]
This means that once #2369 (or any future serializers) are merged then when running the Core server images you would need to specify a --version master
in order for it to work. I'm opening this issue as a discussion point on if this is the functionality we want or if there is a better way.
No labels