This is a personal portfolio project that displays complete information about me, Pras Tio Rifki Wijaya. This portfolio includes a detailed section about my background and highlights key skills acquired through formal education and hands-on experience in various projects.
This portfolio project was created as an assignment for the “Learn Basic Web Programming” class at Dicoding. In this class, we learn how to create a simple website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The portfolio presents complete information about Pras Tio Rifki Wijaya, including my educational background, experience, and skills.
The website I created has met the following criteria:
- Applying semantic meaning to web pages (Met)
- Using float or flexbox techniques in arranging layouts (Met)
- Displaying self-identity in the aside elements (Met)
All of these are the requirements set by Dicoding for my graduation in the “Learn Basic Web Programming” class.
This feature displays a notification to give feedback to users when they click the submit button.
How to Access:
- Users can type a message in the input with the ID
. - After that, the user clicks the button with the class
. - If the input is empty, a red notification will appear with the message "Please Enter Your Message!".
- If there is a message, a green notification will appear with the message "Thank You! Your Message Has Been Sent".
This feature displays a slideshow that allows users to view images or other content arranged in slides.
How to Access:
- The slideshow automatically runs at 3-second intervals (3000 ms).
- Users can change slides manually by adding navigation elements (buttons or arrows) to call the
function, wheredirection
is 1 for the next slide and -1 for the previous slide. - The
function will display the slide corresponding to the given index.
Message Notification
- Fill in the message field.
- Click the "Submit" button to see the notification based on the input.
Slideshow Item
- The slideshow will automatically work without user interaction.
- To change slides manually, add navigation elements (for example, previous and next buttons) that call
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- Clone this repository or download it as a ZIP.
- Open the
file in your preferred browser.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.
- Email: Pras Tio Rifki Wijaya
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn Profile
- Instagram: Instagram Profile
- Facebook: Facebook Profile
- X: X Profile