Service that crawls and stores the live cyclone information in the database.
Make sure you have docker installed in your system.
- Open a terminal, go to the project directory and run -
docker-compose up -d
- To verify if the services are running or not, run
docker-compose ps
and you should see all the containers with state as Up.
(master) $ docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
cyclone_db_1 postgres Up 5432/tcp
cyclone_redis_1 redis ... Up 6379/tcp
cyclone_scheduler_1 celery -A service.server.c ... Up 7007/tcp
cyclone_server_1 /bin/ash Up>7007/tcp
cyclone_worker_1 celery -A service.server.c ... Up 7007/tcp
There are three tables that store the information related to current cyclones -
Cyclones - stores information about the cyclones that are live
Table "public.cyclones"
Column | Type
id | character varying(255)
created_at | timestamp without time zone
external_id | character varying(255)
name | text
region | character varying(50)
external_link | text
forecast_tracks - stores the forecasted track of the cyclone
Table "public.forecast_tracks"
Column | Type
id | bigint
cyclone_id | character varying(255)
created_at | timestamp without time zone
forecast_at | timestamp without time zone
forecast_hour | numeric
latitude | numeric
longitude | numeric
intensity | numeric
track_historys | stores the history of how the cyclone is moving
Table "public.track_historys"
Column | Type
id | bigint
cyclone_id | character varying(255)
created_at | timestamp without time zone
synoptic_time | timestamp without time zone
latitude | numeric
longitude | numeric
intensity | numeric
There are five containers running -
- Main server (serves rest api to query about cyclone data) - Flask
- Worker (responsible for scraping data) - Flask, Celery
- Scheduler (that triggers the task to scrape data every hour) - Celery beat
- Redis (that serves as the broker for celery)
- Postgresql Db (the database that stores information about the cyclones)
Every hour the scheduler sends a task to the worker using the queue. The worker picks the task from the queue and executes it. The worker is responsible for getting the data by crawling over the link and saving in the database. The server serves endpoints to query about the cyclone information.
/cyclones: Method - GET
Response - List of cyclones saved in the db.
count: n,
data: [{cyclone_object}]
/cyclones/<cyclone_id/forecast_tracks: Method - GET
Response - List of forecast_tracks for a particular cyclone saved in the db.
count: n,
data: [{forecast_track_object}]
/cyclones/<cyclone_id/track_historys: Method - GET
Response - List of track_historys for a particular cyclone saved in the db.
count: n,
data: [{track_history_object}]
- Only scraping data for the live cyclones and not the old ones.
- Not saving any other information that is available in the form of images.