- Use Pretrained Models from TIMM (take models with larger input)
- Do ALL the following for any 10 images taken by you (must be a class from ImageNet)
- Model Explanation with
- IG
- IG w/ Noise Tunnel
- Saliency
- Occlusion
- GradCAM
- GradCAM++
- Use PGD to make the model predict cat for all images
- save the images that made it predict cat
- add these images to the markdown file in your github repository
- Model Robustness with
- Pixel Dropout
- Random Noise
- Random Brightness
- Model Explanation with
- Integrate above things into your pytorch lightning template
- create explain.py that will do all the model explanations
- create robustness.py to check for model robustness
- Create a EXPLAINABILITY.md in log book folder of your repository
- Add the results (plots) of all the above things you’ve done
python src/explain.py source=images/test_images/ explainability=occlusion
python src/attacker.py source=images/test_images/
python src/robustness.py source=images/test_images/
# @package _global_
# to execute this experiment run:
# python src/attacker.py experiment=model_explainability.yaml
_target_: timm.create_model
model_name: resnet18 #tf_efficientnet_b7
pretrained: True
num_classes: 1000
device: cuda
imput_im_size : 224
MEAN : [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
STD : [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
source : ?? #image path for dir path for multiple images
target: 282 # id of target label (tiget cat)
results_dir : images/adversarial_attacks
# @package _global_
# to execute this experiment run:
# python src/explain.py
- _self_
- explainability: integratedgradients.yaml
_target_: timm.create_model
model_name: resnet18 #tf_efficientnet_b7
pretrained: True
num_classes: 1000
device: cuda
imput_im_size : 224
MEAN : [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
STD : [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
source : ?? #image path for dir path for multiple images
# @package _global_
# to execute this experiment run:
# python src/attacker.py experiment=model_explainability.yaml
_target_: timm.create_model
model_name: resnet18 #tf_efficientnet_b7
pretrained: True
num_classes: 1000
device: cuda
imput_im_size : 256
MEAN : [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
STD : [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
source : ?? #image path for dir path for multiple images
gaussian_noise :
_target_: albumentations.GaussNoise
always_apply: True
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
_target_: albumentations.RandomBrightness
always_apply: True
limit: 0.7
_target_: albumentations.CoarseDropout
max_holes : 8
max_height : 128
max_width : 128
min_holes: 8
min_height : 128
min_width : 128
always_apply: True
fill_value: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
FGSM: true
results_dir : images/robust
we will use algorithms in captum
we will use pgd to predict every class as tiger cat