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  • New Delhi

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Daniel Chapman danayel
Staff Security Analyst, Threat Hunting, Threat Intel, fighting Fraud and Abuse at scale


Alireza Kenarsari kenarsa
Hiring deep learning practitioners interested in speech/NLU worldwide! I like deep learning, machine learning, and scientific computing.

@Picovoice Vancouver, Canada

Ozgur Ozer ozgrozer
Software developer Antalya, Turkey

Tal Ater TalAter
Open sourcerer. Author of Building Progressive Web Apps (O'Reilly). W3C Invited Expert.
Open Semantic Search opensemanticsearch
Search, analyze and explore large document collections by Open Source Search Engine, Text Mining, Document analysis and Text Analytics Explorer
Kyubyong Park Kyubyong
Lives in Seoul, Korea. Studied Linguistics at SNU and Univ. of Hawaii.

TUNiB Seoul, Korea

OLAMI olami-developers
OLAMI team is developer of human-computer interaction technologies especially in the Chinese-based voice recognition and natural language understanding.

VIA Technologies, Inc.

Dhwaj Raj dhwajraj
Sharing prototypes in Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning & Search Relevance


dotnet bot dotnet-bot

.NET Foundation Cyberspace

Nathanaël Lécaudé natcl
Music, arts, interactivity, multimedia, Node.js, Node-RED, Python. Works for @MomentFactory and co-founder of @studioimaginaire

Studio Imaginaire Montréal

Ben Hardill hardillb
Snowboarding, sailing, swimming, cycling, running, techie problem solver

FlowForge Inc

Andreas Mueller amueller
Scikit-learn core-developer, Principal Research SDE @microsoft

Microsoft Los Gatos

Andres Carmona valdepeace
Immersed in the web programming

Nttdata, Capitole Consulting , Lynxspa España, Thingtrack sl Sevilla

beeman beeman
Bram Borggreve Nomad. Polyglot. Dev. Ops. Building @pubkeyapp 🅿️ Founder @BeeSoftLabs 🇨🇴. I ❤️ my girl, Open Source Software and education!


Łukasz Holeczek mrholek
I create open-source solutions that millions of people use every day. Creator of @coreui

@coreui Poland

Martin Görner martin-gorner
Twitter: @martin_gorner

Hugging Face Lyon, France

Andrej karpathy
I like to train Deep Neural Nets on large datasets.


Bill Barnes billba
I'm a Principal Engineer at Microsoft. I love TypeScript & UX. I'm a cartoonist (Unshelved and Not Invented Here) and I butcher both ukulele and bass.

@Microsoft Seattle, WA

Wah Loon Keng kengz
Engineer by day, rock climber by night. Mathematician at heart.


Xceno Xceno
VR Adventurer and recovering fullstack dev. Slinging @clojure parens and wrangling Unreal Engine. Linux enthusiast. Currently learning @ziglang.


Creative Tim timcreative

Creative Code SRL Bucharest

Anoop Kunchukuttan anoopkunchukuttan
I work on Machine Learning and NLP. I am interested in multilingual computing, Indian language NLP and machine translation.

Microsoft Translator, AI4Bharat, IIT Madras Hyderabad, India

Fotis G. Pappas doticca

@teamdoticca Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Chris Payne paynecrl97

@OrgFlow Newcastle Upon Tyne, England

Lombiq Technologies LombiqTechnologies
A software and services company focusing on web development, training, hosting and consulting with open Microsoft technologies.

Lombiq Technologies Ltd. Budapest, Hungary

Abhishek Luv abhishekluv
Self-taught Freelance .NET Developer | Open to New Opportunities

Freelance .NET Developer Mumbai, India

Sébastien Ros sebastienros
Works for Microsoft, mostly ASP.NET and benchmarking. I also maintain Orchard, Jint, YesSql, Esprima, Fluid, Parlot

Microsoft Bellevue, WA

Piotr Szmyd pszmyd

Proligence Ltd., Codecool Warsaw, Poland

Kyle Simpson getify
Kyle Simpson is a Human-Centric Technologist. He's fighting for the people behind the pixels.

Getify Solutions Austin, TX

abhishek thakur abhishekkrthakur
World's first 4x Kaggle GrandMaster; ex-Hugging Face; 100k+ Youtube; 150k+ LinkedIn

Kevin Markham justmarkham
Founder of Data School

Data School Asheville, NC, USA

John Papa johnpapa
Winter is Coming, LLC Orlando, FL

Thomas Burleson ThomasBurleson
Thomas is a FE Architect and technical lead. Experienced with delivering commercial web solutions using React, Angular, & NextJS.

Mindspace, LLC Iowa, USA

Rob Conery robconery
I am the author of The Imposter's Handbook, founder of Big Machine, and a Senior Cloud Developer Engineer at Microsoft. I also host and produce a few podcasts.

Big Machine Honolulu HI