This project was fully designed and implemented through collaboration with Cody (AI Assistant from Sourcegraph), featuring complete component architecture, state management, and modern UI design.
- Complete CRUD operations for tasks
- Priority management (High/Medium/Low)
- Advanced filtering system
- Real-time search functionality
- Task statistics and analytics
- Modern glass-morphism UI
- Custom TaskContext using React Context API
- Local Storage integration for persistence
- Efficient state updates and filtering logic
- TaskForm: Task creation with priority selection
- TaskList: Dynamic task display with inline editing
- FilterBar: Multi-level filtering system
- SearchBar: Real-time search functionality
- Stats: Visual statistics dashboard
- TailwindCSS for modern UI
- Glass-morphism design elements
- Responsive layout across all devices
- Smooth animations and transitions
# Clone repository
git clone
# Install dependencies
cd taskmaster
npm install
# Start development server
npm run dev
React 18
- Latest React features and hooks
- Efficient component rendering
- Modern React patterns
- Lightning-fast development server
- Optimized build process
- Hot Module Replacement (HMR)
- Utility-first CSS framework
- Custom design system
- Responsive design utilities
- Glass-morphism components
Context API
- Centralized state management
- Efficient data flow
- Clean component communication
- Reduced prop drilling
Local Storage
- Persistent data storage
- Automatic state saving
- Browser-based caching
- Offline capabilities
βββ components/
β βββ FilterBar/
β βββ SearchBar/
β βββ Stats/
β βββ TaskForm/
β βββ TaskList/
βββ context/
β βββ TaskContext.jsx
βββ constants/
β βββ filters.js
βββ hooks/
β βββ useLocalStorage.js
βββ utils/
β βββ timeAgo.js
βββ App.jsx
- Create new tasks with priority levels
- Edit existing tasks
- Delete tasks
- Toggle task completion status
- Priority management (high/medium/low)
- Filter by status (All/Active/Completed)
- Time-based filtering (Today/Week/Month)
- Priority-based sorting
- Newest/Oldest sorting
- Real-time search functionality
- Centralized context using React Context API
- Local storage persistence
- Efficient state updates
- Complex filtering and sorting logic
- Task structure with:
- Text content
- Completion status
- Creation timestamp
- Priority level
- Unique identification
- Text-based search across tasks
- Multiple sorting options:
- Priority-based
- Creation date (newest/oldest)
- Status-based grouping
Feel free to contribute to this project:
- Fork repository
- Create feature branch
- Commit changes
- Push to branch
- Open pull request
MIT License
Built with π by Pouyaπ¦ & Codyπ€