Repost of the following stackoverflow post which includes a workaround:
I have the following code outside my polymer element (in another polymer):
The line:
Is causing error:
TypeError: Argument 1 of Window.getDefaultComputedStyle does not implement interface Element.
openPopup - is my custom function in polymer "testelement".
The error appears only in FireFox (version 31) on other browsers (Chrome, Safari, Opera) works perfect. How to fix it ?
Edit (openPopup function):
<script type="text/javascript">
Polymer('popup-element', {
domReady : function() {
var mainThis = this;
$(this.$.popup).on('click','.closebutton', function(e){
openPopup : function (){
return this;
closePopup : function (){
return this;
Ok, now I can see. I had the same problem. I have solved it like this:
Instead of:
Try this:
this.$ = "block";
It seems, it is impossible to use jQuery in polymer element javascript function when you execute it from another polymer element (in firefox only!). Please somebody smarter than me to improve this answer :)