I followed the instructions on:
Including installing bower (v1.2.8) npm (1.3.24) and the polymer components:
bower install --save Polymer/polymer-elements
bower install --save Polymer/polymer-ui-elements
However when I follow the instructions to "test my environment" [] by creating an index.html pasting in the referenced HTML, and then running a local server "python -m SimpleHTTPServer". Navigating to, all I get is a blank screen. "OneTwoThreeFourFive" appears briefly (before the script runs) and then disappears in 32.0.1700.107 (Official Build 248368). No messages/exceptions in the chrome console. I tried in FF 27.0.1 and see "OneTwoThreeFourFive" and no messages in the console either. Neither seems to show the intended tab-strip UI.
It appears that whatever version of polymer I pulled is unstable/not-working?