I'm not sure whether this behavior is expected, but it surprised me. I would expect that setting a DOM attribute would mutate the model value wired up to that attribute, like it does for custom elements.
For the test case below, I see "PASS (2 of 2)" displayed but not "PASS (1 of 2)". That indicates that changing the custom element's attribute mutated the model but that changing a regular element's attribute did not mutate the model.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../third_party/polymer/polymer.js"></script>
<polymer-element name="test-custom" attributes="value">
Polymer('test-custom', {
value: null,
<polymer-element name="test-flag" attributes="go">
<div id="foo" value="{{ value1 }}"></div>
<div>{{ value1 }}</div>
<test-custom id="bar" value="{{ value2 }}"></test-custom>
<div>{{ value2 }}</div>
Polymer('test-flag', {
value1: null,
value2: null,
goChanged: function() {
this.$.foo.setAttribute('value', 'PASS (1 of 2)');
this.$.bar.setAttribute('value', 'PASS (2 of 2)');
<test-flag go="true"></test-flag>
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