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how to get polymer and requirejs working together? #1463



I feel like I strayed from the topic somewhat in #1457, so I'm opening this.

I came across this problem while investigating the message output from this console.warning :

console.warn('Attributes on ' + this.localName + ' were data bound ' +

createdCallback: function() {
  if (this.templateInstance && this.templateInstance.model) {
    console.warn('Attributes on ' + this.localName + ' were data bound ' +
        'prior to Polymer upgrading the element. This may result in ' +
        'incorrect binding types.');

which makes it seem like things are still happening in the wrong order. We have some unusual code that is tickling this problem - we're trying to use require.js to add a closure around the Polymer() call, like this :

<polymer-element name="my-element">
    require(['lodash', 'js-signals'], function (_, signals) {
      Polymer('my-element', {

This seems like an aesthetically 'clean' way to use require.js and Polymer together. However, having dug into this some, it seems like require is delaying the call to Polymer('my-element',{}) and so any element that imports this code can end up using the element before the call to Polymer('my-element',{}) is made; resulting in their registrations being queued in the wrong order...or something.

I've made some attempts to work around that problem. My most sane attempt is by using promises, like this :

<polymer-element name="parent-element">
    var parentElementReady = new Promise( function (resolve, reject) {
      Promise.all([childElementReady, /* and other dependencies*/]).then( function () {
        require(['js-signals'], function (signals) {
          Polymer('parentElement', {
          }); // Polymer
        }); // require
      }); // Promise.all
   }); // Promise
<polymer-element name="parent-element">

I made a stripped down version of our app to demonstrate the problem - it does work, mostly, but it is somewhat awkward, to say the least:

Note that the problem with requirejs trying to load using the wrong paths now only occurs when I run the example in a background tab - I have been using the 'super auto refresh' chrome extension to automatically refresh the tab every two seconds, as a sort of automated test. It works just fine when the tab is in the foreground, but as soon as I switch to a different tab, the requirejs path errors occur once more.

I wonder if this issue still applies in 0.8 - 0.8 is master branch now, right, so I guess it still applies.

Any comments are welcome :)



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