A small app to help track your turnip prices and help you decide whether the odds are with you for the next week. A live version of the repository is hosted on Netlify.
Built with Gatsby. Gatsby Cloud is an end-to-end cloud platform specifically built for the Gatsby framework that combines a modern developer experience with an optimized, global edge network.
git clone git@github.com:Pingviinituutti/turnip-stalk-manager.git
cd turnip-stalk-manager
yarn start
# Your site is now running at `http://localhost:8000`!
yarn build # builds the site content to dist/
yarn serve # serves dist
You can file bugs and issues to the repository's Issues page. If you have some improvements to suggest or want to make, you can fork this repository and submit a pull request with the implemented improvements :) If you just want to suggest an improvement, make a post on the issues page.