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A program capable of creating mazes with many different algorithms and solving them with different pathfinders.


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Lapyrinth is a package made entirely in Python where you can generate mazes with many different algorithms and solving them with different pathfinders. Nothing more, nothing less.


1 - Features

  • Generate any maze of any size

  • Choose different algorithms from 14 of them (and more with different parameters)

  • Generate an image of the maze generated

  • Save the maze to load it later

  • Solve them with various pathfinders among 10 of them

  • Generate an image of the maze solved

2 - Installation

To begin, two options are available to you:

The first and easiest way is to install the package with pip by writing this line in a CLI (command line interface).

pip install lapyrinth

And that's it, you're ready to go to step 3.

The second and harder way is download and uncompress the latest version, or clone it by using one of the following command:

git clone


git clone

Then, you need to install all dependencies by opening a CLI (command line interface) and write these lines

cd "{the path to the project directory}"
pip install -r requirements.txt

3 - Generate a maze

To generate your first maze, write these lines in any python file:

from lapyrinth import Maze

height = 9
width = 16
# Optional
start = (1, 7)
end = (5, 9)
# Or Maze(x) for a maze of x*x cells
maze = Maze(height, width, start=start, end=end)
# Choose the algorithm you want below
# If you want to make a so-called imperfect maze.
# You can specify the number of wall to removed
# or the probability that a wall will be removed
maze.make_imperfect_maze("number", 5)
# If you want to print the maze in the CLI
# If you want to generate a .png file of the maze

If you've downloaded the project, write the same lines in a new python file inside lapyrinth folder:

Note: Obviously, the larger the maze, the longer it will take to create and generate the image.

4 - Example of mazes

That's it. See, it's very simple. You can go with all of these algorithms:

  • Aldous-Broder

Image illustrating a maze after using Aldous-Broder algorithm Animation showing the process of Aldous-Broder algorithm

  • Binary Tree (may vary depending on parameters)

Image illustrating a maze after using Binary Tree algorithm Animation showing the process of Binary Tree algorithm

  • Eller (may vary depending on parameters)

Image illustrating a maze after using Eller's algorithm Animation showing the process of Eller's algorithm

  • Growing Tree (may vary depending on parameters)

Image illustrating a maze after using Growing Tree algorithm Animation showing the process of Growing Tree algorithm

  • Hunt and Kill

Image illustrating a maze after using Hunt and Kill algorithm Animation showing the process of Hunt and Kill algorithm

  • Iterative Division

Image illustrating a maze after using Iterative Division algorithm Animation showing the process of Iterative Division algorithm

  • Kruskal

Image illustrating a maze after using Kruskal's algorithm Animation showing the process of Kruskal's algorithm

  • Modified Prim

Image illustrating a maze after using Modified Prim's algorithm Animation showing the process of Modified Prim's algorithm

  • Randomized Depth First Search

Image illustrating a maze after using Randomized Depth First Search algorithm Animation showing the process of Randomized Depth First Search algorithm

  • Sidewinder (may vary depending on parameters)

Image illustrating a maze after using Sidewinder algorithm Animation showing the process of Sidewinder algorithm

  • Simplified Prim

Image illustrating a maze after using Simplified Prim's algorithm Animation showing the process of Simplified Prim's algorithm

  • True Prim

Image illustrating a maze after using True Prim's algorithm Animation showing the process of True Prim's algorithm

  • Origin Shift

Image illustrating a maze after using Origin Shift algorithm Animation showing the process of Origin Shift algorithm

  • Wilson

Image illustrating a maze after using Wilson's algorithm Animation showing the process of Wilson's algorithm

5 - Save a maze

If you want to save the maze you've created, three options are available to you:

- Save the entire object:

from lapyrinth import Maze

maze = Maze(10)

# Filename is optional
filename = "maze_object.pkl"

Pros / Cons:

  • Saves all the data of the maze
  • Can't be edited
  • Easy to load
  • Heavy file (~15Mo for a 1000x1000 cell maze)

- Save the maze's array as a binary file:

from lapyrinth import Maze

maze = Maze(10)

# Filename is optional
filename = "maze_numpy.npy"

Pros / Cons:

  • Only saves the maze's array
  • Can't be edited
  • Fast to load
  • Heavy file (~15Mo for a 1000x1000 cell maze)

- Save the maze's array as a text file:

from lapyrinth import Maze

maze = Maze(10)

# Filename is optional
filename = "maze_text.txt"

Pros / Cons:

  • Only saves the maze's array
  • Easy to read and edit
  • Slow to load
  • Light file (~7.5Mo for a 1000x1000 cell maze)

6 - Load a maze

If you want to load the maze you've saved, follow the code below:

from lapyrinth import Maze

maze_object = Maze.load("maze_object.pkl")
# Or
maze_numpy = Maze.load("maze_numpy.npy")
# Or
maze_text = Maze.load("maze_text.txt")

Note: The file must be in the same directory as the script or you must specify the path to the file.

7 - Solve a maze

Here's the code to follow to solve a maze:

from lapyrinth import Maze, pathfinders

maze = Maze(10)
path = pathfinders.depth_first_search(maze)
# If you want to print the solved maze in the CLI
pathfinders.print_path(maze, path)
# If you want to generate a .png file of the solved maze
pathfinders.generate_path(maze, path)

Here are all the pathfinders available:

  • Right Hand Rule

Animation showing the process of the Right Hand rule pathfinder

  • Left Hand Rule

Animation showing the process of the Left Hand rule pathfinder

  • Random Mouse

Animation showing the process of the Random Mouse pathfinder

  • Pledge (may vary depending on parameters)

Animation showing the process of Pledge's pathfinder

  • Dead End Filler

Animation showing the process of Dead End Filler pathfinder

  • Depth First Search

Animation showing the process of Deep First Search pathfinder

  • Breadth First Search and Dijkstra

Animation showing the process of Breadth First Search pathfinder

  • Greedy Best First Search

Animation showing the process of Greedy Best First Search   pathfinder

  • A*

Animation showing the process of A* pathfinder

8 - Maze Generation Benchmarks

Wonder which algorithm is faster?

Well.. I already did it for you! So here you are:

  • Chart for slow algorithms:

  • Chart for moderately fast algorithms:

  • Chart for fast algorithms:

  • Chart for all algorithms:

Note: Aldous-Broder and Wilson algorithms were not tested because they are truly random (""luck"" based in other words), so their times are very inconsistent on a generation to another. But for an idea, they are even slower than Kruskal's algorithm.

If you want the values of these graphs, watch this:

Download csv here

Note: These values can change depending on the version of Python and your PC

For these benchmarks, I used Python 3.12.0 implemented with CPython on a ryzen 5 3600, rtx 2060 with 2*8GB of RAM clocked at 3600Hz on Windows 10.
These benchmarks were all tested at the same time (multiprocessing) so the results are higher than if they were tested one by one. Benchmarks were made on the version 1.15

9 - Pathfinders Benchmarks

Wonder which pathfinder is the most efficient?

Well.. I also already did it for you! So here you are:

Note For better comparison, I used the same maze with default start/end for all pathfinders, for all size. Moreover, I used one set of mazes generated with RDFS (algorithm with the lowest dead-end rate) and another set of mazes generated with Kruskal (algorithm with the highest dead-ends rate). They're all available in the pkl directory.

  • Chart for fast pathfinders on RDFS mazes:

  • Chart for all pathfinders on RDFS mazes:

  • Chart for fast pathfinders on Kruskal mazes:

  • Chart for all pathfinders on Kruskal mazes:

If you want the values of these graphs, watch this:

Download csv here

Note: These values can change depending on the version of Python and your PC

For these benchmarks, I used Python 3.12.0 implemented with CPython on a ryzen 5 3600, rtx 2060 with 2*8GB of RAM clocked at 3600Hz on Windows 10.

10 - Improve the project

If you like this project and/or want to help or improve it, you can:

  • Create an issue if you find a bug or want to suggest a feature or any improvement (no matter how small it is).

  • Create a pull request if you want to add a feature, fix a bug or improve the code.

  • Contact me if you want to talk about the project or anything else (Discord: pietot).

Note: If you want to be guided/helped, you already have a file named IMPROVEMENTS.txt in the project directory, where you can see all the improvements that can be made.


A program capable of creating mazes with many different algorithms and solving them with different pathfinders.






