This is a MagicMirror² module for connecting to the ZAPTEC API and showing charger information on your Mirror. 18 languages supported
cd MagicMirror/modules
git clone
In MagicMirror/config/config.js
module: "MMM-ZAPTEC",
position: "bottom_right",
header: "Zaptec",
config: {
username: "YOUR_USERNAME",
password: "YOUR_PASSWORD",
updateInterval: 30000,
lang: "sv",
enableChargeHistory: true,
charger: "all",
showHistoryEntries: 5
charger: "all", // set to "all" to display data for all chargers,
or set to a specific charger number (1-99) to display data for only that charge, set none to hide chargers.
showHistoryEntries: 5 // define the max amount of charge history entries to show
yes sorry for username and password but the token only had a ttl of 24H / will find a resolition for this in the future.
Restart magic mirror.(pm2 restart) After starting the module can take up to 60 sec to pull the first data.
languages supported.
Arabic: ar (العربية)
Chinese: zh (中文)
Danish: da (Dansk)
Dutch: nl (Nederlands)
English: en (English)
Finnish: fi (Suomi)
French: fr (Français)
German: de (Deutsch)
Hindi: hi (हिन्दी)
Icelandic: is (Íslenska)
Italian: it (Italiano)
Japanese: ja (日本語)
Korean: ko (한국어)
Norwegian: no (Norsk)
Polish: pl (Polski)
Portuguese: pt (Português)
Spanish: es (Español)
Swedish: sv (Svenska)
Api free: yes
development status: Complete