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Tags: PhpUnitsOfMeasure/php-units-of-measure



Toggle v2.1.0's commit message
tagging version 2.1.0


Toggle v2.0.1's commit message
tagging 2.0.1


Toggle v1.3.3's commit message
v1.3.3 (March 15th, 2015)

- Loosened Composer requirement on PHP version to >=5.3.0 (was previously 5.3.5).


Toggle v2.0.0's commit message
v2.0.0 (March 14th, 2015)

- Registered units of measure are now properties of PhysicalQuantity classes, and not individual instances of those classes.  As such, registering a new unit with a given PhysicalQuantity will make that unit immediately available to all inntances of that class.
   - PhysicalQuantity classes no longer define their units in their constructor, and instead have a new initialize() static method
   - The previously-existing registerUnitOfMeasure() method on physical quantity objects has been replaced with a new static addUnit() method
   - The HasSoUnitsTrait method addMissingSIPrefixedUnits is now static
- Added the toNativeUnit() method, to return values in their native unit of measure
- Added the isEquivalentQuantity() method, to support future situations where it's not obvious whether two physical quantities represent the same quantity type
- getSupportedUnits() is no longer available on physical quantities
- The PhysicalQuantity parent class is now named AbstractPhysicalQuantity
- Add a new DemonstrationTests test file, to demonstrate and test typical use cases
- All library exceptions extend from AbstractPhysicalQuantityException, making catching easier
- Added an interface for PhysicalQuantities, to support future work where not all physical quantity classes necessarily have the same parent


Toggle v1.3.1's commit message
tagging 1.3.1


Toggle v1.3.0's commit message
tagging 1.3.0


Toggle v1.2.0's commit message
tagging v1.2.0


Toggle v1.1.2's commit message


Toggle v1.1.1's commit message
Adds new quantity Angle, and expands the units for Time.


Toggle v1.1's commit message
version 1.1