A mobile web app for finding jobs online. Its specifically tailored to software development jobs best suited for bootcamp students with little to no previous tech-related working experience.
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This is a mobile web app for finding jobs online built with React (Using React Hooks to manage state).
This Application is built as a front end app consuming a Ruby on Rails API (Microverse Jobs API) separately deployed to Heroku.
This application consumes a couple of endpoints served by an api accessible online at https://microverse-jobs-api.herokuapp.com/ as the base Url;
- /api/v1/users - (create a user - signup)
- /api/v1/login - (create a session - signin)
- /api/v1/jobs - (fetch all jobs)
- /api/v1/jobs/:id - (fetch a specific job)
- /api/v1/user-jobs - (fetch all jobs favorited by logged in user)
- /api/v1/favorites/:id - (update favorited status when user adds/removes job to/from favorites)
I use Axios to fetch jobs, user and favorites data and then use React Hooks to manage the data in various components.
- A user can create an account(signup)
- A user can signin(login) and logout
- A user can peruse through jobs by clicking either the left or right navigation arrows
- A user can click on any of the jobs to see more details
- On the details page, a user can click the button to either add or remove that particular jon from/to favorites
- A user can see their favorited jobs
- ReactJs
- React Hooks
- Rails API
- Axios
- Netlify (For Front-end)
- Heroku (For Back-end)
- CSS (Modules)
- Webpack
- ES6 JavaScript.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Have a browser installed
Clone this repo
into the project directory- run
npm install
- run
npm start
- Navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser.
- Enjoy 😃
- fetch data from multiple apis
- enable search to enable filtering by location, job title etc..
- add notifications and messages features etc..
👤 Contacts
- LinkedIn: Phillip Musiime
- GitHub: PhillipUg
- Twitter: @Phillip_Ug
- E-mail: phillipmusiime@gmail.com
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.