A lodash-like library for types, with support for type-level lambda functions.
🚧 work in progress 🚧
// prettier-ignore
type res1 = Pipe<
// ^? 95
[1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4],
// This is a type-level "lambda"!
interface Duplicate extends Fn {
return: [this["arg0"], this["arg0"]];
type result1 = Call<Tuples.Map<Duplicate>, [1, 2, 3, 4]>;
// ^? [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3], [4, 4]]
type result2 = Call<Tuples.FlatMap<Duplicate>, [1, 2, 3, 4]>;
// ^? [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]
// Let's compose some functions to transform an object type:
type ToAPIPayload<T> = Pipe<
Objects.Assign<{ metadata: { newUser: true } }>,
Objects.Assign<{ id: string }>
type T = ToAPIPayload<{
id: symbol;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
// Returns:
type T = {
id: string;
metadata: { new_user: true };
first_name: string;
last_name: string;
- Function
- Pipe
- PipeRight
- Call
- Apply
- PartialApply
- Compose
- ComposeLeft
- Tuples
- Create
- Partition
- IsEmpty
- Zip
- ZipWith
- Sort
- Head
- At
- Tail
- Last
- FlatMap
- Find
- Sum
- Drop n
- Take n
- TakeWhile
- Join separator
- Map
- Filter
- Reduce
- ReduceRight
- Every
- Some
- ToUnion
- Object
- Readonly
- Mutable
- Required
- Partial
- ReadonlyDeep
- MutableDeep
- RequiredDeep
- PartialDeep
- Record
- Create
- Get
- FromEntries
- Entries
- MapValues
- MapKeys
- GroupBy
- Assign
- Pick
- PickBy
- Omit
- OmitBy
- CamelCase
- CamelCaseDeep
- SnakeCase
- SnakeCaseDeep
- KebabCase
- KebabCaseDeep
- Union
- Map
- Extract
- ExtractBy
- Exclude
- ExcludeBy
- String
- Length
- TrimLeft
- TrimRight
- Trim
- Join
- Replace
- Slice
- Split
- Repeat
- StartsWith
- EndsWith
- ToTuple
- ToNumber
- ToString
- Prepend
- Append
- Uppercase
- Lowercase
- Capitalize
- Uncapitalize
- SnakeCase
- CamelCase
- KebabCase
- Compare
- Equal
- NotEqual
- LessThan
- LessThanOrEqual
- GreaterThan
- GreaterThanOrEqual
- Number
- Add
- Multiply
- Subtract
- Negate
- Power
- Div
- Mod
- Abs
- Compare
- GreaterThan
- GreaterThanOrEqual
- LessThan
- LessThanOrEqual
- Boolean
- And
- Or
- XOr
- Not
- Extends
- Equals
- DoesNotExtend