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IDE (en)

PhiTux edited this page Dec 1, 2023 · 3 revisions

In the IDE (Integrated Development Environment), the teacher now has all the possibilities to create an assignment.

File area

The file area is located in the top left corner. Here, all files belonging to a project are displayed. Files can also be renamed or deleted here. New files can also be created via the "Project" menu.

The following things should be noted:

  1. With the option Set as entry point, the file containing the main method must be selected. This file is always marked with a house 🏠. At the beginning of an empty project, this is correctly set to the file
  2. The file cannot be renamed. In this file, the JUnit tests must be written, which are executed when clicking on "Test". Students do not see this file; neither in tasks nor in their own projects.

Project description

The project description is located in the bottom left corner. It is also visible in the project overview in Home below the title.

It is there to give the students a description of the assignment. It can be changed at any time.

Creating an assignment

Use the JUnit tests in the file to cover all automatic test cases for the methods (see Create JUnit-Tests). It is recommended to structure the tasks for the students in such a way that a method skeleton is already defined and only the method body needs to be implemented. Then, JUnit can be used to test the method output for any number of parameters. When checking, pay particular attention to edge/special cases (empty string, empty array, negative numbers, etc.).

Only when the assignment is complete and ready for the students to start working on it, click on "Create assignment" at the top.

In the next window, it is explained how assignment work. Read the explanation carefully!

Three things must be done there (no worries, all these settings can be changed later):

  1. Choose the course to which the assignment is assigned. All students in this course will immediately see the task as soon as they log in.
  2. Choose the submission deadline. This is intended to give students time to work on the task until this point. However, currently nothing changes in the project after the deadline. So currently, there are no programmed restrictions resulting from the deadline. Therefore, the submission deadline currently serves only as an "orientation" for the students as to when the teacher can start correcting or checking.
  3. Set a reasonable (preferably short) computation time.

If the task has been successfully created, it can be found in "Home" for both the teacher and the students.

To exit the IDE, click on the top right and you will be redirected to "Home".

Next, we will switch to the perspective of a student.