With PubLit, search for scientific publictions with specific keywords and obtaining useful anlaytics gets easier. What analytics does PubLit offer ?
- authors details
- journals related informations
- author's network
- yearly trends and many more
In future release, you can opt for specific datbase which suits your keywords.
PubLit currently uses, PubMed database to search for any user-defined keywords and grasp the related informations. Finally the information extracted is thrown to the Streamlit front-end. Subsequent analysis are made with common data analysis library such as pandas and visulaized using plotly. Data anlaysis motivation behind this basic UI is based on this article. You will find more useful references related to the Streamlit UI in the About section of the application.
Well, I have recieved a couple of insightful comments and feedbacks which I would love to work on during my spare time. For example, polishing the UI, plots, using semantischolar API or making the code a bit more universal for different databases.
(Special mention to Nikolay Karelin for his valuable feedbacks. Thank you!!)
Therefore, the future immediate plan is to integrate and take advantage of more such public databases, for example, arXiv or bioRxiv, as a result making the application available for science-enthusiast from various backgrounds.
At this moment PubLit is in a work in progress and a fun project to work on. I'll be happy to receive feedbacks and collaborate with others. Feel free to ping me here or in twitter.