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PeterShaggyNoble committed Mar 21, 2019
1 parent 6fe6696 commit 20284f3
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/flags.json
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@@ -1 +1 @@
{"type":"flags","title":"Flags","object":"","intro":"Flags can be entered either in the dedicated field or directly in the input box. Some flags may be combined in the form `-mR`. When a flag runs the programme on each element in the first input and that input is a number then it is first converted to the range `[0,N)` or, if that input is a string, it is first split into an array of characters and rejoined again afterwards.","flags":{"!":{"description":"Outputs the logical `NOT` of the value returned by the programme; i.e., `true` if falsey, or `false` if truthy.","version":"1.4.5"},"N":{"description":"Converts the value returned by the programme to a number. If that value is an array, it is first joined to a string.","version":"1.4.5"},"P":{"description":"Joins the value returned by the programme to a string if that value is an array.","version":"1.4.5"},"Q":{"description":"\"Prettyprints\" the output.","version":"1.4.5"},"R":{"description":"Joins the value returned by the programme to a string with newlinews if that value is an array.","version":"1.4.5"},"S":{"description":"Joins the value returned by the programme to a string with spaces if that value is an array.","version":"1.4.5"},"d":{"description":"Runs the program on each element in the first input, outputting `true` if any returns a truthy value, or `false` if not.","version":"1.4.5"},"e":{"description":"Runs the program on each element in the first input, outputting `true` if all return a truthy value, or `false` if not.","version":"1.4.5"},"f":{"description":"Runs the program on each element in the first input, outputting an array of those that return a truthy value.","version":"1.4.5"},"g":{"description":"If the programme returns a number then outputs its sign; `-1` if negative, `1` if positive, `0` if `0`, or `NaN` if `NaN`.","version":"1.4.5"},"gn":{"description":"If the programme returns a string or an array, outputs the character or element at index `n`, with `n` defaulting to `0`.","version":"1.4.5"},"h":{"description":"If the programme returns a string or an array, outputs the last character or element.","version":"1.4.5"},"m":{"description":"Runs the program on each element in the first input, outputting an array of the results.","version":"1.4.5"},"x":{"description":"Runs the `.x()` method for the relevant type on the value returned by the programme, trimming a string, reducing an array by addition, or rounding a number to the nearest whole number.","version":"1.4.5"},"¡":{"description":"Outputs the value returned by the programme as a boolean; i.e., `true` if truthy, or `false` if falsey.","version":"1.4.5"},"æ":{"description":"Runs the program on each element in the first input, outputting the first to return a truthy value.","version":"1.4.5"}}}
{"type":"flags","title":"Flags","object":"","intro":"Flags can be entered either in the dedicated field or directly in the input box. Some flags may be combined in the form `-mR`. When a flag runs the programme on each element in the first input and that input is a number then it is first converted to the range `[0,N)` or, if that input is a string, it is first split into an array of characters and rejoined again afterwards.","flags":{"!":{"description":"Outputs the logical `NOT` of the value returned by the programme; i.e., `true` if falsey, or `false` if truthy.","version":"1.4.5"},"E\"s\"":{"description":"Outputs `s` if the programme throws an error. Considered to be a \"cheating\" flag - use at your own discretion.","version":"1.4.6"},"F\"s\"":{"description":"Outputs `s` if the programme returns a falsey value. Considered to be a \"cheating\" flag - use at your own discretion.","version":"1.4.6"},"N":{"description":"Converts the value returned by the programme to a number. If that value is an array, it is first joined to a string.","version":"1.4.5"},"P":{"description":"Joins the value returned by the programme to a string if that value is an array.","version":"1.4.5"},"Q":{"description":"\"Prettyprints\" the output.","version":"1.4.5"},"R":{"description":"Joins the value returned by the programme to a string with newlinews if that value is an array.","version":"1.4.5"},"S":{"description":"Joins the value returned by the programme to a string with spaces if that value is an array.","version":"1.4.5"},"d":{"description":"Runs the program on each element in the first input, outputting `true` if any returns a truthy value, or `false` if not.","version":"1.4.5"},"e":{"description":"Runs the program on each element in the first input, outputting `true` if all return a truthy value, or `false` if not.","version":"1.4.5"},"f":{"description":"Runs the program on each element in the first input, outputting an array of those that return a truthy value.","version":"1.4.5"},"g":{"description":"If the programme returns a number then outputs its sign; `-1` if negative, `1` if positive, `0` if `0`, or `NaN` if `NaN`.","version":"1.4.5"},"gn":{"description":"If the programme returns a string or an array, outputs the character or element at index `n`, with `n` defaulting to `0`.","version":"1.4.5"},"h":{"description":"If the programme returns a string or an array, outputs the last character or element.","version":"1.4.5"},"m":{"description":"Runs the program on each element in the first input, outputting an array of the results.","version":"1.4.5"},"x":{"description":"Runs the `.x()` method for the relevant type on the value returned by the programme, trimming a string, reducing an array by addition, or rounding a number to the nearest whole number.","version":"1.4.5"},"¡":{"description":"Outputs the value returned by the programme as a boolean; i.e., `true` if truthy, or `false` if falsey.","version":"1.4.5"},"æ":{"description":"Runs the program on each element in the first input, outputting the first to return a truthy value.","version":"1.4.5"}}}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion index.html
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion js/default.js

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16 changes: 14 additions & 2 deletions src/css/default.css
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@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,6 +269,9 @@ body.light #tools::after{
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -461,6 +464,11 @@ body.dark>#keyboard>h2{
background:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf-8,<svg height="32" viewBox="0 0 72 32" width="72" xmlns=""><path fill="%23bdbdbd" d="M0,32L16,0H56L72,32"/><path fill="%23fff" d="M1,32L17,1H55L71,32"/></svg>') no-repeat;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -528,6 +536,10 @@ body.light>#keyboard>h2{
background:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf-8,<svg height="72" viewBox="0 0 32 72" width="32" xmlns=""><path fill="%23bdbdbd" d="M32,0L0,16V56L32,72"/><path fill="%23fff" d="M32,1L1,17V55L32,71"/></svg>') no-repeat;
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/docs/flags.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,14 @@
"description":"Outputs the logical `NOT` of the value returned by the programme; i.e., `true` if falsey, or `false` if truthy.",
"description":"Outputs `s` if the programme throws an error. Considered to be a \"cheating\" flag - use at your own discretion.",
"description":"Outputs `s` if the programme returns a falsey value. Considered to be a \"cheating\" flag - use at your own discretion.",
"description":"Converts the value returned by the programme to a number. If that value is an array, it is first joined to a string.",
Expand Down

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