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sarahs committed Jun 17, 2021
1 parent 1439402 commit 36c54ea
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Showing 2 changed files with 70 additions and 102 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions script/helpers/walk-files.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
const path = require('path')
const walk = require('walk-sync')

// [start-readme]
// A helper that returns an array of files for a given path and file extension.
// [end-readme]

module.exports = function walkFiles (dir, ext, opts = {}) {
const dirPath = path.posix.join(process.cwd(), dir)
const walkSyncOpts = { includeBasePath: true, directories: false }

return walk(dirPath, walkSyncOpts)
.filter(file => file.endsWith(ext) && !file.endsWith(''))
.filter(file => opts.includeEarlyAccess ? file : !file.includes('/early-access/'))
155 changes: 53 additions & 102 deletions script/move-category-to-product.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,129 +1,80 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node

const assert = require('assert')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const walk = require('walk-sync')
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp').sync
const program = require('commander')
const { execSync } = require('child_process')
const matter = require('gray-matter')
const frontmatter = require('../lib/read-frontmatter')
const addRedirectToFrontmatter = require('./helpers/add-redirect-to-frontmatter')
const contentDir = path.join(__dirname, '../content')
const walkFiles = require('./helpers/walk-files')
const contentFiles = walkFiles('content', '.md')
const contentDir = path.posix.join(process.cwd(), 'content')

// [start-readme]
// Pass this script three arguments:
// 1. current category path (e.g., `github/automating-your-workflows-with-github-actions`)
// 2. new product ID (e.g., `actions`)
// 3. new product name in quotes (e.g., `"GitHub Actions"`)
// and it does everything that needs to be done to make the category into a new product.
// Move the files from a category directory to a top-level product and add redirects.
// [end-readme]

// derive global values
const [relativePath, productId, productName] = process.argv.slice(2)
assert(relativePath, 'first arg must be a path to an existing category, e.g., github/working-with-github-pages')
assert(productId, 'second arg must be the ID of the new product, e.g., pages')
assert(productName, 'third arg must be the full name of the new product in quotes, e.g., "GitHub Pages"')
assert.strictEqual(relativePath.split('/').length, 2, 'first arg must only contain one slash, e.g., github/working-with-github-pages')
.description('Move a category-level docs set to the product level.')
.requiredOption('-c, --category <PATH>', 'Provide the path of the existing category, e.g., github/github-pages')
.requiredOption('-p, --product <PATH>', 'Provide the path of the new product, e.g., pages')

const oldCategoryDir = path.join(contentDir, relativePath)
assert(fs.existsSync(oldCategoryDir), `directory does not exist: ${oldCategoryDir}`)
const oldCategory = program.opts().category.replace('content/', '')
const newProduct = program.opts().product.replace('content/', '')

const productDir = path.join(contentDir, productId)
const [oldProductId, oldCategoryId] = oldCategory.split('/')
const oldCategoryPath = path.posix.join(contentDir, oldCategory)
const oldProductPath = path.posix.join(contentDir, oldProductId)

const [oldproductId, categoryName] = relativePath.split('/')

// do all the moving/renaming/updating

console.log(`Moved files to content/${productId} and updated frontmatter!\n\nNext steps:\n`)

// display data that needs to be manually added to lib files

function makeNewProductDir () {
if (!fs.existsSync(productDir)) {
execSync(`mkdir ${productDir}`)

function moveFilesToNewDir () {
execSync(`git mv ${oldCategoryDir} ${productDir}`)

function createNewProductToc () {
const productTocPath = path.join(productDir, '')
const data = {}
data.title = `${productName} Documentation`
data.productVersions = {}
data.productVersions[productId] = '*'
const content = `\n{% link_with_intro /${categoryName} %}`

fs.writeFileSync(productTocPath, matter.stringify(content, data, { lineWidth: 10000 }))
if (!fs.existsSync(oldProductPath)) {
console.error(`Error! Can't find ${oldProductPath}`)

function removeCategoryFromOldProductToc () {
const oldProductTocPath = path.join(contentDir, oldproductId, '')
const tocContents = fs.readFileSync(oldProductTocPath, 'utf8')
const { content, data } = matter(tocContents)
const oldCategoryFiles = contentFiles.filter(file => file.includes(`/${oldCategoryId}/`))

const link = `(\n<!-- if page.version.*? -->)?\n{% link_in_list /${categoryName} %}\n(<!-- endif -->)?`

const newContent = content.replace(new RegExp(link), '')

fs.writeFileSync(oldProductTocPath, matter.stringify(newContent, data, { lineWidth: 10000 }))
if (!oldCategoryFiles.length) {
console.error(`Error! Can't find ${oldCategory} files`)

function updateFrontmatter () {
const newCategoryDir = path.join(productDir, categoryName)
const newProductPath = path.posix.join(process.cwd(), 'content', newProduct)

// for every article in the category, update productVersions and redirect frontmatter
walk(newCategoryDir, { includeBasePath: true }).forEach(file => {
const articleContents = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8')
const { content, data } = matter(articleContents)

const baseFilename = file.endsWith('') ? '' : path.basename(file, '.md')
function main () {
// Create the new product dir.

const redirectString = path.join('/', oldproductId, categoryName, baseFilename)
// Add redirects to the frontmatter of the to-be-moved files.
oldCategoryFiles.forEach(file => {
const { content, data } = frontmatter(fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'))
const redirectString = file
.replace(contentDir, '')
.replace('', '')
.replace('.md', '')
data.redirect_from = addRedirectToFrontmatter(data.redirect_from, redirectString)

data.productVersions = {}
data.productVersions[productId] = '*'

const newContents = matter.stringify(content, data, { lineWidth: 10000 })
fs.writeFileSync(file, newContents)
fs.writeFileSync(file, frontmatter.stringify(content, data, { lineWidth: 10000 }))

function printProductsModuleUpdate () {
const newProduct = {
id: productId,
name: productName,
href: path.join('/', productId),
dir: path.join('content/', productId),
toc: path.join('content/', productId, '')
const obj = {}
obj[productId] = newProduct

console.log('1. Add the following block to lib/products.js. Note: the order of this file determines the product order everywhere on the site.\n')

function printFrontmatterSchemaUpdate () {
const newFrontmatter = {
type: 'string',
conform: '(add validSemverRange here)',
message: 'Must be a valid SemVer range'
const obj = {}
obj[productId] = newFrontmatter

console.log('\n2. Add the following block to the productVersions object in lib/frontmatter.js (ordered alphabetically). Make sure the \'conform\' property looks like the others. \n')
// // Move the files.
execSync(`git mv ${oldCategoryPath}/* ${newProductPath}`)

// Remove the category from the old product TOC.
const oldProductTocPath = path.posix.join(oldProductPath, '')
const productToc = frontmatter(fs.readFileSync(oldProductTocPath, 'utf8')) = => child !== `/${oldCategoryId}`)
fs.writeFileSync(oldProductTocPath, frontmatter.stringify(productToc.content,, { lineWidth: 10000 }))

// Add the new product to the homepage TOC.
const homepage = path.posix.join(contentDir, '')
const homepageToc = frontmatter(fs.readFileSync(homepage, 'utf8'))
fs.writeFileSync(homepage, frontmatter.stringify(homepageToc.content,, { lineWidth: 10000 }))

console.log(`Moved ${oldCategory} files to ${newProduct}, added redirects, and updated TOCs!`)

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