- Germany
- Pro
eltt2 Public
Forked from Infineon/eltt2Infineon Embedded Linux TPM Toolbox 2 (ELTT2) for TPM 2.0
tpm2-tss Public
Forked from tpm2-software/tpm2-tssOSS implementation of the TCG TPM2 Software Stack (TSS2)
tpm-emulator Public
The famous tpm-emulator by Mario Strasser, previously hosted on BerliOs. It supports TPM1.2 only!
tpm2.0-tools Public
Forked from tpm2-software/tpm2-toolsThe source repository for the TPM (Trusted Platform Module) 2.0 tools
C BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 2, 2021 -
tpm2-totp Public
Forked from tpm2-software/tpm2-totpAttest the trustworthiness of a device against a human using time-based one-time passwords
C BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 4, 2021 -
openScale Public
Forked from oliexdev/openScaleOpen-source weight and body metrics tracker, with support for Bluetooth scales
tpm2-software.github.io Public
Forked from tpm2-software/tpm2-software.github.ioInfo about tpm2-software
HTML UpdatedNov 24, 2020 -
TSS_JSON_Policy_Schema Public
JSON Schemas to match the TCG TSS JSON Policy Language
amazon-greengrass-hsi-optiga-tpm Public
Forked from Infineon/amazon-greengrass-hsi-optiga-tpmInfineon OPTIGA™ TPM - AWS IoT Greengrass Hardware Security Integration
UpdatedJun 17, 2019 -
tpm2-pkcs11 Public
Forked from tpm2-software/tpm2-pkcs11A PKCS#11 interface for TPM2 hardware
tpm2-software-container Public
Forked from tpm2-software/tpm2-software-containerContainer building stuff
Dockerfile BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedMay 16, 2019 -
GitHubFlow Public
Test Repository for Students
C BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedApr 29, 2019 -
microbit-dal Public
Forked from calliope-mini/microbit-dalCalliope mini - DAL
C++ Other UpdatedJan 31, 2019 -
microbit Public
Forked from calliope-mini/microbitCalliope mini - Base Component
C++ Other UpdatedJan 31, 2019 -
xaptum-tpm Public
Forked from xaptum/xaptum-tpmUtilities for interacting with the TPM2.0 used to access the Xaptum Edge Network Fabric, an IoT Network Solution.
C Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 17, 2019 -
ioBroker.vis Public
Forked from ioBroker/ioBroker.visVisualisation for ioBroker platform.
JavaScript Other UpdatedJan 3, 2019 -
Universal-Arduino-Telegram-Bot Public
Forked from witnessmenow/Universal-Arduino-Telegram-BotUse Telegram on your Arduino (ESP8266 or Wifi-101 boards)
linux Public
Forked from raspberrypi/linuxKernel source tree for Raspberry Pi Foundation-provided kernel builds. Issues unrelated to the linux kernel should be posted on the community forum at https://www.raspberrypi.org/forum
linux-tpmdd Public
Forked from torvalds/linuxTPM subsystem updates for Linux kernel source tree
Pinout.xyz Public
Forked from pinout-xyz/Pinout.xyzSource files for the Raspberry Pi Pinout documentation website.
Python Other UpdatedJun 14, 2018 -
3D-Magnetic-Sensor-2GO Public
Forked from Infineon/TLV493D-A1B6-3DMagnetic-SensorThe 3D magnetic sensor 2GO board based on the XMC 2Go evaluation board.
mbedtls Public
Forked from Mbed-TLS/mbedtlsAn open source, portable, easy to use, readable and flexible SSL library
tpm2-abrmd Public
Forked from tpm2-software/tpm2-abrmdC BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedMay 29, 2017 -
apt-package-whitelist Public
Forked from travis-ci/apt-package-safelistWhitelist of apt packages approved for build environments with restricted sudo
Shell MIT License UpdatedOct 16, 2015 -
rainbow-lollipop Public
Forked from sternenseemann/rainbow-lollipopthe visual history browser - http://rainbow-lollipop.de
atmega168-serial-hello Public
Forked from electronut/atmega168-serial-helloSerial Communications with ATmega168
C UpdatedMay 20, 2013