A player that can make you listen to music online including Netease music, QQ music, Kugou Music.What's more, you can listen to your own Netease music list!
Created by mengkunsoft
Optimized by Peter1303
xMDPlayer 基于 Meting
xMDPlayer is an online music player based on Meting
. It has the functions of music search, play, download, lyrics (synchronization) display, personal netease music play list synchronization, etc.
前端界面使用 MDUI
来开发,Material Design
本项目仅为学习前端的练手之作,请勿用作商业用途,请勿利用本项目下载盗版歌曲资源,否则后果自负!This project is only for learning the front practical, do not use it for commercial purposes, do not use this project to download pirated song resources, or you will be responsible for the consequences!
本程序结合(This program combines with the secondary development of) https://github.com/mengkunsoft/MKOnlineMusicPlayer 二次开发
在线演示 https://pdev.top/music/#neteaseList
v1.1 Beta 200822
- 修复 菜单 bug
- 修复 复制 bug
v1.1 Beta 200810
- 全面使用 Material Design
- 可以设置主题 (Able to change the player's theme)
- 支持显示歌词翻译
- Directory Lister 需要 PHP 5.4+ (requires PHP 5.4+ to work properly)
- curl_exec 搜索音乐 (Search music)
- file_get_contents 获取音乐数据 (Get music data)
- json_decode 解析数据 (Decode data)
- hex2bin 解析数据 (Decode data)
- openssl_encrypt 解析数据 (Decode data)
├─ js
│ ├ functions.js
│ ├ js.js
│ ├ lyric.js
│ ├ netease.js
│ ├ player.js
│ └ theme.js
├─ css
│ └ css.css
├ index.php
├ music.php
└ Meting.php
- Jquery:js主流开发框架 http://jquery.com/
- Meting:一个高效的多平台音乐 API 框架 https://github.com/metowolf/Meting
- 下载或分享无版权音乐时给出提示
- 自定义列表
- 网易云榜单
- (bug)下一首会跳过几首
- 随机播放等
- 网易云热评
- auto 主题未完善
邮件联系(Contact me) peter13034@outlook.com
xMDPlayer is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.
Copyright 2020 PDEV