Simple forum software for building great communities.
Artificial Intelligence framework for games based on libGDX or not. Features: Steering Behaviors, Formation Motion, Pathfinding, Behavior Trees and Finite State Machines
The Open Source kanban (built with Meteor). Keep variable/table/field names camelCase. For translations, only add Pull Request changes to wekan/i18n/en.i18n.json , other translations are done at ht…
tile based reverse tower defense game made with libGDX, Overlap2D, Ashley and libgdx-ai
Reactive SharedPreferences for Android
🌋 A toolkit to quickly build apps with React, GraphQL & Meteor
The communications platform that puts data protection first.
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
Graphical Assets for the Moonshine Icon Pack on Google Play
Fork of
Typefaces for source code beautification
Mattermost is an open source platform for secure collaboration across the entire software development lifecycle..
Siena is a persitence API for Java inspired on the Google App Engine Python Datastore API
Free and Open Source Java project which brings together almost all the modern web tools: JsHint, CssLint, JsMin, Google Closure compressor, YUI Compressor, UglifyJs, Dojo Shrinksafe, Css Variables …
a fast, scalable, multi-language and extensible build system
A micro http-server compatible with LiveReload 2 (protocol). Should be used at compile/build-time.
eclipse-andmore / andmore
Forked from xhteam/tools-motodevAndmore - Eclipse Android Tooling(ARCHIVED)
An Intuitive, Lightweight, High Performance Full Stack Java Web Framework.
Java unlimited redefinition of classes at runtime.