- Added Dark theme option
- Added VGA based console option to Virtual Machines via Spice-HTML5
- Added new lxd image repository for LXD based servers to catalog. Catalog automatically populates image catalog from respective images repository based on server type, incus or lxd
- Updated argparser to parse known args for operability with Gunicorn
- Updated relative links to use url_for allowing for non-root proxy redirects
- Fixed backup URL download links
- Added alias when publishing an instance to an image
- Added optional --host and --port command-line args to override flask behavior
- Added optional FLASK_RUN_PORT and FLASK_RUN_HOST environment variables to override flask behaviour
- Removed LXD label on servers page
- Added source column to instance disk devices table
- Updated backup exports to use server hostname directory instead of id number
- Fixed bug when creating network adapters in clustered environments
- Added code to create bridged, macvlan, ovn, sriov, and pysical adapters with config options
- Added migrate option to change storage pool of root device
- Added migrate option to change project of an instance
- Added storage pool selection when creating new instance
- Added selectize.js to allow ordered multiple select option of profiles when creating new instance
- Upgraded Bootstrap from version 4 to version 5
- Converted containers and virtual-machines endpoints to instances endpoint to support Incus
- Combined containers and virtual-machines pages to instances page
- Datatable errors now display on console.log rather than the default alert
- Handled 404 error for logs on a new virtual machine
- Fixed several undefined value errors that may occur
- Updated virtual-machine cpu and memory functions to no longer use sleep
- Improved Dockerfile for quicker builds
- Added version specific flask and werkzeug to requirements due to build error in dependencies
- Added a Network Zones page
- Added a Network page with DHCP Leases, Network Load Balancers, Forwards, and Peers
- Added missing parameters in API for creating a network
- Upgraded jQuery to version 3.7.1
- Updated layout to container and virtual machines pages
- Updated local xterm.js packages to version 5.1.0 and loading from local file
- Modified CSS to hide terminal scrollbar in chrome based browsers
- Added dynamic resize of terminal when sidebar is toggled
- Added cluster groups
- Added evacuate and restore options for cluster members
- Added cluster members roles to tables
- Added cluster members actions
- Removed serializeJSON library in favor of jquery serialize
- Corrected image unit size, changing GiB to MiB
- Added option filter for storage volumes by adding filter=custom to URL
- Changed the image catalog for adding images to a dynamic list generated from https://images.linuxcontainers.org
- Fix for reloading/loading of page content bug in network-acl page
- Fix an undefind varaible error when loading list of containers without root disk