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traits value constraints: needed cleanup and decisions #6




@gsrohde commented on Tue Feb 17 2015

date, dateloc, time, timeloc, date_year, date_month, date_day, time_hour, time_minute

  • Decide what constraints to use
  • Clean up data if needed
  • Add to migration


  • Clean up NULLs
  • Add not-null constraint to migration


  • Decide if n can be 1; change 1's to NULL if not. Similarly for 0.
  • Add CHECK (n >= 2) or CHECK (n >= 1) or CHECK (n >= 0)

stat, statname, n consistency

  • Decide on consistency constraints
  • Fix violations
  • Add needed constraints

cultivar_id, specie_id consistency

  • Fix cases where cultivar_id = 0
  • Fix cases where specie_id is NULL but cultivar_id is not
  • Fix inconsistent species-cultivar references
  • Figure out how to write a consistency constraint
  • Add it to migration


  • Decide how to handle NULLs
  • Add not null constraint


  • Decide how to handle cases where access_level = 0
  • Change column type to the new DOMAIN level_of_access

Other NULLs

  • Clean up NULLs in key columns (or rethink whether they need to be non-null)


date, dateloc, time, timeloc, date_year, date_month, date_day

See discussion in GH #239 and in section 3.26 of

UPDATE 9/15/2015

There are serious issues with the way we use date and time fields in the traits and yields tables. I've made a separate issue for this.


29 rows have NULLs in the mean column. Should these be deleted? 18 of these rows have non-null stat values.


See discussion in GH #231.

stat, statname, n consistency

See discussion in GH #231.

cultivar_id, specie_id consistency

This is discussed in the context of foreign-key constraints. See GH # 175.

To see inconsistencies in human-readable form, use

SELECT t_sp.scientificname AS "species referred to by traits table", c_sp.scientificname AS "species matching cultivar", FROM traits t JOIN cultivars c ON t.cultivar_id = JOIN species t_sp ON = t.specie_id JOIN species c_sp ON c.specie_id = WHERE t.specie_id != c.specie_id;


checked is NULL in 143 rows.


access_level = 0 in 2195 rows.

Other NULLs

This supplements the information discussed in GH issues #175 (about the foreign keys in the traits table) and #204 (about the candidate key for the traits table).

As noted in issue #204, NULLs are rampant in this table, even in columns that make up the proposed key. To get an idea of the scope of the problem, run

SELECT COUNT(*) AS "total number of rows", SUM((site_id IS NULL)::int) AS "site_id NULLs", SUM((specie_id IS NULL)::int) AS "species_id NULLs", SUM((citation_id IS NULL)::int) AS "citation_id NULLs", SUM((cultivar_id IS NULL)::int) AS "cultivar_id NULLs", SUM((treatment_id IS NULL)::int) AS "treatment_id NULLs", SUM((date IS NULL)::int) AS "date NULLs", SUM((time IS NULL)::int) AS "time NULLs", SUM((variable_id IS NULL)::int) AS "variable_id NULLs", SUM((entity_id IS NULL)::int) AS "entity_id NULLs", SUM((method_id IS NULL)::int) AS "method_id NULLs", SUM((date_year IS NULL)::int) AS "date_year NULLs", SUM((date_month IS NULL)::int) AS "date_month NULLs", SUM((date_day IS NULL)::int) AS "date_day NULLs", SUM((time_hour IS NULL)::int) AS "time_hour NULLs", SUM((time_minute)::int) AS "time_minute" FROM traits;

The result is

-[ RECORD 1 ]--------+------
total number of rows | 32027
site_id NULLs        | 8364
species_id NULLs     | 79
citation_id NULLs    | 30
cultivar_id NULLs    | 23571
treatment_id NULLs   | 8120
date NULLs           | 13694
time NULLs           | 5290
variable_id NULLs    | 1
entity_id NULLs      | 28374
method_id NULLs      | 29176
date_year NULLs      | 11022
date_month NULLs     | 13559
date_day NULLs       | 15354
time_hour NULLs      | 29120
time_minute          | 15893

(In psql, to see results in this format, use the "\x" command before running the query.)

To get a better idea of how many rows contain no date information or no time information, run

SELECT COUNT(*) AS "total number of rows", SUM((date IS NULL AND date_year IS NULL AND date_month IS NULL AND date_day IS NULL)::int) AS "rows with no date info", SUM((time IS NULL AND time_hour IS NULL AND time_minute IS NULL)::int) AS "rows with no time into" FROM traits;

This yields

-[ RECORD 1 ]----------+------
total number of rows   | 32027
rows with no date info | 9787
rows with no time into | 4988




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