TibiaPal is a fansite for players of MMORPG video game 'Tibia'.
The site has a number of features to help with the day-to-day life of the players, in the form of tools, guides and information. Some of the current features include:
- 'TibiaLootSplit', which vastly simplifies dividing up in-game loot between all participating players by a simple copy and paste from the game's log. The output is displayed in such a format that the user can immediately copy it back into the game to ease the split.
- Active house auctions, which make it easier to see at a glance how many active auctions there are on a particular world
- Imbue calculator
- Exp Share calculator
- Stamina calculator
- Leech calculator
- Exp calculator
- Rashid tracker
- Offline and Online training calculator
- Boss Timers
- Hunting Places
- Bestiary Reference
- Bosstiary Reference
- Wheel of Destiny Presets
- Exercise Weapons Calculator
The site currently has approximately 35k monthly users and 300k monthly pageviews/visits.
HTML (Generated with Jekyll), CSS (SASS) and plain JS
The site is hosted on GitHub Pages.