- What is React.js?
- Why use it and what is a virtual DOM?
- How state is used to control when your components modify the Virtual DOM.
- When state is updated it's not synchronous Component Lifecycle - constructor, componentWillMount, componentDidMount, componentWillUpdate, componentDidUpdate
- When to make requests to your server.
- Where to update state.
- Pitfalls
- Dom Reference stuff like ScrollTo, Achor, jQuery stuff
- Why use JSX?
- What is a stateful component?
- What is a stateless component?
- Why use stateless components?
- When does it rerender and not rerender?
- What is it?
- If React manages state already why would you want to use Redux?
- Deeply Nested components
- What else does Redux do?
- Watch the Flux pattern talk again, consider showing it.
- Crop this talk, https://facebook.github.io/flux/docs/in-depth-overview.html
- Ducks
- Pitfalls
- Folder structure
- Navigation
- Folder structures
- Functional vs Feature
- What to test?- End to end testing is an alternative to testing with JSDOM
- Snapshots vs End-To-End
- Building for production
- building with CI - AppCentre
- Building for IOS
- Dependency management for Android and IOS
- IOS deploy takes 2 weeks to get to store
- Support for Android pre 4.4
- Test of Physical devices, emulators mess around with networking
- Some devices' styling sucks, LG G4, Iphone 1 - X
- Rollout is hard because users have a physical phone that is not up to date with your deployments
- Manage users' metrics inside the app (react-native-device-info)
- Keep node packages up to date every 2 weeks..
- Keep dependencies static (^1.0.0 vs 1.0.0)
- Rather try styling on your own than styling with packages (Compatibility)