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Botkit and Slack

Botkit is designed to ease the process of designing and running useful, creative bots that live inside Slack, Facebook Messenger, Twilio IP Messaging, and other messaging platforms.

Botkit features a comprehensive set of tools to deal with Slack's integration platform, and allows developers to build both custom integrations for their team, as well as public "Slack Button" applications that can be run from a central location, and be used by many teams at the same time.

This document covers the Slack-specific implementation details only. Start here if you want to learn about how to develop with Botkit.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

  1. Install Botkit on your hosting platform of choice more info here.

  2. First make a bot integration inside of your Slack channel. Go here:

Enter a name for your bot. Make it something fun and friendly, but avoid a single task specific name. Bots can do lots! Let's not pigeonhole them.

  1. When you click "Add Bot Integration", you are taken to a page where you can add additional details about your bot, like an avatar, as well as customize its name & description.

Copy the API token that Slack gives you. You'll need it.

  1. Run the example bot app, using the token you just copied: ​
token=REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_TOKEN node examples/slack_bot.js

​ 5) Your bot should be online! Within Slack, send it a quick direct message to say hello. It should say hello back!


  • who are you?
  • call me Bob
  • shutdown ​

Things to note

​ Much like a vampire, a bot has to be invited into a channel. DO NOT WORRY bots are not vampires.

Type: /invite @<my bot> to invite your bot into another channel.

Connecting Your Bot to Slack

Bot users connect to Slack using a real time API based on web sockets. The bot connects to Slack using the same protocol that the native Slack clients use!

To connect a bot to Slack, get a Bot API token from the Slack integrations page.

Note: Since API tokens can be used to connect to your team's Slack, it is best practices to handle API tokens with caution. For example, pass tokens into your application via an environment variable or command line parameter, rather than including it in the code itself. This is particularly true if you store and use API tokens on behalf of users other than yourself!

Read Slack's Bot User documentation

Slack Controller

The Botkit Slack controller object can be configured in a few different ways, depending on the type of integration you are building.

A simple single-team bot that uses Slack's Real Time Messaging (RTM) API can be instantiated without any special options:

var controller = Botkit.slackbot({});

In order to use Botkit's built in support for multi-team Slack "apps", pass in additional configuration options:

var controller = Botkit.slackbot({
    clientId: process.env.clientId,
    clientSecret: process.env.clientSecret,
    scopes: ['bot'],


Argument Description
config Configuration object

Creates a new Botkit SlackBot controller.

var controller = Botkit.slackbot({debug: true})

config object accepts these properties:

Name Value Description
debug Boolean Enable debug logging
stale_connection_timeout Positive integer Number of milliseconds to wait for a connection keep-alive "pong" response before declaring the connection stale. Default is 12000
send_via_rtm Boolean Send outgoing messages via the RTM instead of using Slack's RESTful API which supports more features
retry Positive integer or Infinity Maximum number of reconnect attempts after failed connection to Slack's real time messaging API. Retry is disabled by default
api_root Alternative root URL which allows routing requests to the Slack API through a proxy, or use of a mocked endpoints for testing. defaults to
disable_startup_messages Boolean Disable start up messages, like: "Initializing Botkit vXXX"
clientVerificationToken String Value of verification token from Slack used to confirm source of incoming messages


Argument Description
config Incoming message object

Spawn an instance of your bot and connect it to Slack. This function takes a configuration object which should contain at least one method of talking to the Slack API.

To use the real time / bot user API, pass in a token.

Controllers can also spawn bots that use incoming webhooks.

Spawn config object accepts these properties:

Name Value Description
token String Slack bot token

Require Delivery Confirmation for RTM Messages

In order to guarantee the order in which your messages arrive, Botkit supports an optional delivery confirmation requirement. This will force Botkit to wait for a confirmation events for each outgoing message before continuing to the next message in a conversation.

Developers who send many messages in a row, particularly with payloads containing images or attachments, should consider enabling this option. Slack's API sometimes experiences a delay delivering messages with large files attached, and this delay can cause messages to appear out of order. Note that for Slack, this is only applies to bots with the send_via_rtm option enabled.

To enable this option, pass in {require_delivery: true} to your Botkit Slack controller, as below:

var controller = Botkit.slackbot({
    require_delivery: true,


Argument Description
callback Optional Callback in the form function(err,bot,payload) { ... }

Opens a connection to Slack's real time API. This connection will remain open until it fails or is closed using closeRTM().

The optional callback function receives:

  • Any error that occurred while connecting to Slack
  • An updated bot object
  • The resulting JSON payload of the Slack API command rtm.start

The payload that this callback function receives contains a wealth of information about the bot and its environment, including a complete list of the users and channels visible to the bot. This information should be cached and used when possible instead of calling Slack's API.

A successful connection the API will also cause a rtm_open event to be fired on the controller object.


Close the connection to the RTM. Once closed, an rtm_close event is fired on the controller object.

var Botkit = require('botkit');

var controller = Botkit.slackbot();

var bot = controller.spawn({
  token: my_slack_bot_token

bot.startRTM(function(err,bot,payload) {
  if (err) {
    throw new Error('Could not connect to Slack');

  // close the RTM for the sake of it in 5 seconds
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 5000);


Completely shutdown and cleanup the spawned worker. Use bot.closeRTM() only to disconnect but not completely tear down the worker.

var Botkit = require('botkit');
var controller = Botkit.slackbot();
var bot = controller.spawn({
  token: my_slack_bot_token

bot.startRTM(function(err, bot, payload) {
  if (err) {
    throw new Error('Could not connect to Slack');

// some time later (e.g. 10s) when finished with the RTM connection and worker
setTimeout(bot.destroy.bind(bot), 10000)

Ephemeral Messages

Using the Web API, messages can be sent to a user "ephemerally" which will only show to them, and no one else. Learn more about ephemeral messages at the Slack API Documentation. When sending an ephemeral message, you must specify a valid user and channel id. Valid meaning the specified user is in the specified channel. Currently, updating interactive messages are not supported by ephemeral messages, but you can still create them and listen to the events. They will not have a reference to the original message, however.

Ephemeral Message Authorship

Slack allows you to post an ephemeral message as either the user you have an auth token for (would be your bot user in most cases), or as your app. The display name and icon will be different accordingly. The default is set to as_user: true for all functions except bot.sendEphemeral(). Override the default of any message by explicitly setting as_user on the outgoing message.


Argument Description
src Message object to reply to, src.user is required
message String or Object Outgoing response
callback Optional Callback in the form function(err,response) { ... }

Functions the same as bot.reply() but sends the message ephemerally. Note, src message must have a user field set in addition to a channel

bot.whisper() defaults to as_user: true unless otherwise specified on the message object. This means messages will be attributed to your bot user, or whichever user who's token you are making the API call with.


Argument Description
message String or Object Outgoing response, message.user is required
callback Optional Callback in the form function(err,response) { ... }

To send a spontaneous ephemeral message (which slack discourages you from doing) use bot.sendEphemeral which functions similarly as bot.say() and bot.send()

controller.hears(['^spooky$'], function(bot, message) {
	// default behavior, post as the bot user
	bot.whisper(message, 'Booo! This message is ephemeral and private to you')

controller.hears(['^spaghetti$'], function(bot, message) {
	// attribute slack message to app, not bot user
	bot.whisper(message, {as_user: false, text: 'I may be a humble App, but I too love a good noodle'})

controller.on('custom_triggered_event', function(bot, trigger) {
	// pretend to get a list of user ids from out analytics api...
	fetch('users/champions', function(err, userArr) { {
			// iterate over every user and send them a message
				channel: 'general',
				text: "Pssst! You my friend, are a true Bot Champion!"})

Ephemeral Conversations

To reply to a user ephemerally in a conversation, pass a message object to convo.say() convo.sayFirst() convo.ask() convo.addMessage() convo.addQuestion() that sets ephemeral to true.

When using interactive message attachments with ephemeral messaging, Slack does not send the original message as part of the payload. With non-ephemeral interactive messages Slack sends a copy of the original message for you to edit and send back. To respond with an edited message when updating ephemeral interactive messages, you must construct a new message to send as the response, containing at least a text field.

controller.hears(['^tell me a secret$'], 'direct_mention, ambient, mention', function(bot, message) {
	bot.startConversation(message, function(err, convo) {
		convo.say('Better take this private...')
		convo.say({ ephemeral: true, text: 'These violent delights have violent ends' })

Slack Threads

Messages in Slack may now exist as part of a thread, separate from the messages included in the main channel. Threads can be used to create new and interesting interactions for bots. This blog post discusses some of the possibilities.

Botkit's default behavior is for replies to be sent in-context. That is, if a bot replies to a message in a main channel, the reply will be added to the main channel. If a bot replies to a message in a thread, the reply will be added to the thread. This behavior can be changed by using one of the following specialized functions:


Argument Description
message Incoming message object
reply String or Object Outgoing response
callback Optional Callback in the form function(err,response) { ... }

This specialized version of bot.reply() ensures that the reply being sent will be in a thread. When used to reply to a message that is already in a thread, the reply will be properly added to the thread. Developers who wish to ensure their bot's replies appear in threads should use this function instead of bot.reply().


Argument Description
message incoming message to which the conversation is in response
callback a callback function in the form of function(err,conversation) { ... }

Like bot.startConversation(), this creates conversation in response to an incoming message. However, the resulting conversation and all followup messages will occur in a thread attached to the original incoming message.


Argument Description
message incoming message to which the conversation is in response
callback a callback function in the form of function(err,conversation) { ... }

Creates a conversation that lives in a thread, but returns it in an inactive state. See bot.createConversation() for details.

Slack-Specific Events

Once connected to Slack, bots receive a constant stream of events - everything from the normal messages you would expect to typing notifications and presence change events.

Botkit's message parsing and event system does a great deal of filtering on this real time stream so developers do not need to parse every message. See Receiving Messages for more information about listening for and responding to messages.

It is also possible to bind event handlers directly to any of the enormous number of native Slack events, as well as a handful of custom events emitted by Botkit.

You can receive and handle any of the native events thrown by slack.

controller.on('channel_joined',function(bot,message) {

  // message contains data sent by slack
  // in this case:


You can also receive and handle a long list of additional events caused by messages that contain a subtype field, as listed here

controller.on('channel_leave',function(bot,message) {

  // message format matches this:


Finally, Botkit throws a handful of its own events! Events related to the general operation of bots are below. When used in conjunction with the Slack Button, Botkit also fires a few additional events.

User Activity Events:

Event Description
message_received a message was received by the bot
bot_channel_join the bot has joined a channel
user_channel_join a user has joined a channel
bot_group_join the bot has joined a group
user_group_join a user has joined a group

Message Received Events

Event Description
direct_message the bot received a direct message from a user
direct_mention the bot was addressed directly in a channel
mention the bot was mentioned by someone in a message
ambient the message received had no mention of the bot

Websocket Events:

Event Description
rtm_open a connection has been made to the RTM api
rtm_close a connection to the RTM api has closed
rtm_reconnect_failed if retry enabled, retry attempts have been exhausted

Working with Slack Integrations

There are a dizzying number of ways to integrate your application into Slack. Up to this point, this document has mainly dealt with the real time / bot user integration. In addition to this type of integration, Botkit also supports:

  • Incoming Webhooks - a way to send (but not receive) messages to Slack
  • Outgoing Webhooks - a way to receive messages from Slack based on a keyword or phrase
  • Slash Command - a way to add /slash commands to Slack
  • Slack Web API - a full set of RESTful API tools to deal with Slack
  • The Slack Button - a way to build Slack applications that can be used by multiple teams
  • Events API - receive messages and other events via a RESTful web API
var Botkit = require('botkit');
var controller = Botkit.slackbot({})

var bot = controller.spawn({
  token: my_slack_bot_token

// use RTM
bot.startRTM(function(err,bot,payload) {
  // handle errors...

// send webhooks
bot.configureIncomingWebhook({url: webhook_url});
  text: 'Hey!',
  channel: '#testing',
},function(err,res) {
  // handle error

// receive outgoing or slash commands
// if you are already using Express, you can use your own server instance...
// see "Use BotKit with an Express web server"
controller.setupWebserver(process.env.port,function(err,webserver) {



controller.on('slash_command',function(bot,message) {

  // reply to slash command
  bot.replyPublic(message,'Everyone can see the results of this slash command');


Incoming webhooks

Incoming webhooks allow you to send data from your application into Slack. To configure Botkit to send an incoming webhook, first set one up via Slack's integration page.

Once configured, use the sendWebhook function to send messages to Slack.

Read official docs


Argument Description
config Configure a bot to send webhooks

Add a webhook configuration to an already spawned bot. It is preferable to spawn the bot pre-configured, but hey, sometimes you need to do it later.


Argument Description
message A message object
callback Optional Callback in the form function(err,response) { ... }

Pass sendWebhook an object that contains at least a text field. This object may also contain other fields defined by Slack which can alter the appearance of your message.

var bot = controller.spawn({
  incoming_webhook: {
    url: <my_webhook_url>

  text: 'This is an incoming webhook',
  channel: '#general',
},function(err,res) {
  if (err) {
    // ...

Outgoing Webhooks and Slash commands

Outgoing webhooks and Slash commands allow you to send data out of Slack.

Outgoing webhooks are used to match keywords or phrases in Slack. Read Slack's official documentation here.

Slash commands are special commands triggered by typing a "/" then a command. Read Slack's official documentation here.

Though these integrations are subtly different, Botkit normalizes the details so developers may focus on providing useful functionality rather than peculiarities of the Slack API parameter names.

Note that since these integrations use send webhooks from Slack to your application, your application will have to be hosted at a public IP address or domain name, and properly configured within Slack.

Set up an outgoing webhook

Set up a Slash command

controller.setupWebserver(port,function(err,express_webserver) {

Securing Outgoing Webhooks and Slash commands

You can optionally protect your application with authentication of the requests from Slack. Slack will generate a unique request token for each Slash command and outgoing webhook (see Slack documentation). You can configure the web server to validate that incoming requests contain a valid api token by adding an express middleware authentication module.

This can also be achieved by passing a verification token as clientVerificationToken into the initial call Botkit.slackbot() used to create the controller.

controller.setupWebserver(port,function(err,express_webserver) {
  controller.createWebhookEndpoints(express_webserver, ['AUTH_TOKEN', 'ANOTHER_AUTH_TOKEN']);
  // you can pass the tokens as an array, or variable argument list
  //controller.createWebhookEndpoints(express_webserver, 'AUTH_TOKEN_1', 'AUTH_TOKEN_2');
  // or
  //controller.createWebhookEndpoints(express_webserver, 'AUTH_TOKEN');

Handling slash_command and outgoing_webhook events

controller.on('slash_command',function(bot,message) {

    // reply to slash command
    bot.replyPublic(message,'Everyone can see this part of the slash command');
    bot.replyPrivate(message,'Only the person who used the slash command can see this.');


controller.on('outgoing_webhook',function(bot,message) {

    // reply to outgoing webhook command
    bot.replyPublic(message,'Everyone can see the results of this webhook command');



Argument Description
port port for webserver
callback callback function

Setup an Express webserver for use with createWebhookEndpoints()

If you need more than a simple webserver to receive webhooks, you should by all means create your own Express webserver!

The callback function receives the Express object as a parameter, which may be used to add further web server routes.


This function configures the route http://_your_server_/slack/receive to receive webhooks from Slack.

This url should be used when configuring Slack.

When a slash command is received from Slack, Botkit fires the slash_command event.

When an outgoing webhook is received from Slack, Botkit fires the outgoing_webhook event.


Argument Description
callback optional callback

When used with slash commands, this function responds with a 200 OK response with an empty response body. View Slack's docs here


Argument Description
src source message as received from slash or webhook
reply reply message (string or object)
callback optional callback

When used with outgoing webhooks, this function sends an immediate response that is visible to everyone in the channel.

When used with slash commands, this function has the same functionality. However, slash commands also support private, and delayed messages. See below. View Slack's docs here


Argument Description
src source message as received from slash
reply reply message (string or object)
callback optional callback


Argument Description
src source message as received from slash
reply reply message (string or object)
callback optional callback


Argument Description
src source message as received from slash
reply reply message (string or object)
callback optional callback


Argument Description
src source message as received from slash or webhook
reply reply message that might get updated (string or object)
callback optional asynchronous callback that performs a task and updates the reply message

Sending a message, performing a task and then updating the sent message based on the result of that task is made simple with this method:

Note: For the best user experience, try not to use this method to indicate bot activity. Instead, use bot.startTyping.

// fixing a typo
controller.hears('hello', ['ambient'], function(bot, msg) {
  // send a message back: "hellp"
  bot.replyAndUpdate(msg, 'hellp', function(err, src, updateResponse) {
    if (err) console.error(err);
    // oh no, "hellp" is a typo - let's update the message to "hello"
    updateResponse('hello', function(err) {

Using the Slack Web API

All (or nearly all - they change constantly!) of Slack's current web api methods are supported using a syntax designed to match the endpoints themselves.

If your bot has the appropriate scope, it may call any of these methods using this syntax:

bot.api.channels.list({},function(err,response) {
  //Do something...

Use the Slack Button

The Slack Button is a way to offer a Slack integration as a service available to multiple teams. Botkit includes a framework on top of which Slack Button applications can be built.

Slack button applications can use one or more of the real time API, incoming webhook and slash command integrations, which can be added automatically to a team using a special oauth scope.

If special oauth scopes sounds scary, this is probably not for you! The Slack Button is useful for developers who want to offer a service to multiple teams.

How many teams can a Slack button app built using Botkit handle? This will largely be dependent on the environment it is hosted in and the type of integrations used. A reasonably well equipped host server should be able to easily handle at least one hundred real time connections at once.

To handle more than one hundred bots at once, consider speaking to the creators of Botkit at

For Slack button applications, Botkit provides:

  • A simple webserver
  • OAuth Endpoints for login via Slack
  • Storage of API tokens and team data via built-in Storage
  • Events for when a team joins, a new integration is added, and others...

See the included examples for several ready to use example apps.


Argument Description
config configuration object containing clientId, clientSecret, redirectUri and scopes

Configure Botkit to work with a Slack application.

Get a clientId and clientSecret from Slack's API site. Configure Slash command, incoming webhook, or bot user integrations on this site as well.

Configuration must include:

  • clientId - Application clientId from Slack
  • clientSecret - Application clientSecret from Slack
  • redirectUri - the base url of your application
  • scopes - an array of oauth permission scopes

Slack has many, many oauth scopes that can be combined in different ways. There are also special oauth scopes used when requesting Slack Button integrations. It is important to understand which scopes your application will need to function, as without the proper permission, your API calls will fail.


Argument Description
webserver an Express webserver Object
error_callback function to handle errors that may occur during oauth

Call this function to create two web urls that handle login via Slack. Once called, the resulting webserver will have two new routes: http://_your_server_/login and http://_your_server_/oauth. The second url will be used when configuring the "Redirect URI" field of your application on Slack's API site.

var Botkit = require('botkit');
var controller = Botkit.slackbot();

  clientId: process.env.clientId,
  clientSecret: process.env.clientSecret,
  redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3002',
  scopes: ['incoming-webhook','team:read','users:read','channels:read','im:read','im:write','groups:read','emoji:read','chat:write:bot']

controller.setupWebserver(process.env.port,function(err,webserver) {

  // set up web endpoints for oauth, receiving webhooks, etc.
    .createOauthEndpoints(controller.webserver,function(err,req,res) { ... })


Custom auth flows

In addition to the Slack Button, you can send users through an auth flow via a Slack interaction. The getAuthorizeURL provides the url. It requires the team_id and accepts an optional redirect_params argument.

controller.getAuthorizeURL(team_id, redirect_params);

The redirect_params argument is passed back into the create_user and update_user events so you can handle auth flows in different ways. For example:

controller.on('create_user', function(bot, user, redirect_params) {
    if (redirect_params.slash_command_id) {
        // continue processing the slash command for the user

How to identify what team your message came from

var team = bot.identifyTeam() // returns team id

How to identify the bot itself (for RTM only)

var identity = bot.identifyBot() // returns object with {name, id, team_id}

Slack Button specific events:

Event Description

Message Buttons

Slack applications can use "message buttons" or "interactive messages" to include buttons inside attachments. Read the official Slack documentation here

Interactive messages can be sent via any of Botkit's built in functions by passing in the appropriate attachment as part of the message. When users click the buttons in Slack, Botkit triggers an interactive_message_callback event.

When an interactive_message_callback is received, your bot can either reply with a new message, or use the special bot.replyInteractive function which will result in the original message in Slack being replaced by the reply. Using replyInteractive, bots can present dynamic interfaces inside a single message.

In order to use interactive messages, your bot will have to be registered as a Slack application, and will have to use the Slack button authentication system. To receive callbacks, register a callback url as part of applications configuration. Botkit's built in support for the Slack Button system supports interactive message callbacks at the url https://_your_server_/slack/receive Note that Slack requires this url to be secured with https.

During development, a tool such as is useful for temporarily exposing a compatible webhook url to Slack while running Botkit privately.

// set up a botkit app to expose oauth and webhook endpoints
controller.setupWebserver(process.env.port,function(err,webserver) {

  // set up web endpoints for oauth, receiving webhooks, etc.
    .createOauthEndpoints(controller.webserver,function(err,req,res) { ... })


Send an interactive message

controller.hears('interactive', 'direct_message', function(bot, message) {

    bot.reply(message, {
                title: 'Do you want to interact with my buttons?',
                callback_id: '123',
                attachment_type: 'default',
                actions: [
                        "text": "Yes",
                        "value": "yes",
                        "type": "button",
                        "text": "No",
                        "value": "no",
                        "type": "button",

Receive an interactive message callback

// receive an interactive message, and reply with a message that will replace the original
controller.on('interactive_message_callback', function(bot, message) {

    // check message.actions and message.callback_id to see what action to take...

    bot.replyInteractive(message, {
        text: '...',
        attachments: [
                title: 'My buttons',
                callback_id: '123',
                attachment_type: 'default',
                actions: [
                        "text": "Yes!",
                        "value": "yes",
                        "type": "button",
                       "text": "No!",
                        "name": "no",
                        "value": "delete",
                        "style": "danger",
                        "type": "button",
                        "confirm": {
                          "title": "Are you sure?",
                          "text": "This will do something!",
                          "ok_text": "Yes",
                          "dismiss_text": "No"


Using Interactive Messages in Conversations

It is possible to use interactive messages in conversations, with the convo.ask function.

When used in conjunction with convo.ask, Botkit will treat the button's value field as if were a message typed by the user.

bot.startConversation(message, function(err, convo) {

                title: 'Do you want to proceed?',
                callback_id: '123',
                attachment_type: 'default',
                actions: [
                        "text": "Yes",
                        "value": "yes",
                        "type": "button",
                        "text": "No",
                        "value": "no",
                        "type": "button",
            pattern: "yes",
            callback: function(reply, convo) {
                // do something awesome here.
            pattern: "no",
            callback: function(reply, convo) {
                convo.say('Too bad');
            default: true,
            callback: function(reply, convo) {
                // do nothing


Dialogs allow bots to present multi-field pop-up forms in response to a button click or other interactive message interaction. Botkit provides helper functions and special events to make using dialogs in your app possible.

Create a dialogs

Dialogs can be created in response to interactive_message_callback or slash_command events. Botkit provides a specialized reply function, bot.replyWithDialog() and an object builder function, bot.createDialog() that should be used to create and send the dialog.


Argument Description
title title of dialog
callback_id value for the callback_id field, used to identify the form
submit_label the label for the submit button.
elements an optional array of pre-specified elements objects

This function returns an dialog object with additional methods for creating the form elements, and using them with bot.replyWithDialog. These functions can be chained together.

var dialog = bot.createDialog(
         'Title of dialog',
       ).addText('Text','text','some text')
        .addSelect('Select','select',null,[{label:'Foo',value:'foo'},{label:'Bar',value:'bar'}],{placeholder: 'Select One'})
        .addTextarea('Textarea','textarea','some longer text',{placeholder: 'Put words here'})

bot.replyWithDialog(message, dialog.asObject());
Argument Description
value value for the dialog title
Argument Description
value value for the dialog title
Argument Description
value value for the dialog title
Argument Description
label label of field
name name of field
value optional value
options an object defining additional parameters for this elements

Add a one-line text element to the dialog. The options object can contain any of the parameters listed in Slack's documentation for this element, including placeholder, optional, min_length and max_length

Argument Description
label label of field
name name of field
value optional value
options an object defining additional parameters for this elements

Add a one-line email address element to the dialog. The options object can contain any of the parameters listed in Slack's documentation for this element, including placeholder, optional, min_length and max_length

Argument Description
label label of field
name name of field
value optional value
options an object defining additional parameters for this elements

Add a one-line number element to the dialog. The options object can contain any of the parameters listed in Slack's documentation for this element, including placeholder, optional, min_length and max_length

Argument Description
label label of field
name name of field
value optional value
options an object defining additional parameters for this elements

Add a one-line telephone number element to the dialog. The options object can contain any of the parameters listed in Slack's documentation for this element, including placeholder, optional, min_length and max_length

Argument Description
label label of field
name name of field
value optional value
options an object defining additional parameters for this elements

Add a one-line url element to the dialog. The options object can contain any of the parameters listed in Slack's documentation for this element, including placeholder, optional, min_length and max_length

Argument Description
label label of field
name name of field
value optional value
options an object defining additional parameters for this elements
subtype optional: can be email, url, tel, number or text

Add a one-line text element to the dialog. The options object can contain any of the parameters listed in Slack's documentation for this element, including placeholder, optional, min_length and max_length

Argument Description
label label of field
name name of field
value optional value
option_list an array of option objects in the form [{label:, value:}]
options an object defining additional parameters for this elements
subtype optional: can be email, url, tel, number or text

Add a one-line text element to the dialog. The options object can contain any of the parameters listed in Slack's documentation for this element, including placeholder and optional


Return the dialog as a Javascript object


Return the dialog as JSON


Argument Description
src incoming interactive_message_callback or slash_command event
dialog a dialog object, created by bot.createDialog().toObject() or defined to Slack's spec

Sends a dialog in response to a button click or slash command. The dialog will appear in Slack as a popup window. This function uses the API call to actually deliver the dialog.

// launch a dialog from a button click
controller.on('interactive_message_callback', function(bot, trigger) {

  // is the name of the clicked button "dialog?"
  if (trigger.actions[0].name.match(/^dialog/)) {

        var dialog =bot.createDialog(
              'Title of dialog',
            ).addText('Text','text','some text')
              .addSelect('Select','select',null,[{label:'Foo',value:'foo'},{label:'Bar',value:'bar'}],{placeholder: 'Select One'})
             .addTextarea('Textarea','textarea','some longer text',{placeholder: 'Put words here'})

        bot.replyWithDialog(trigger, dialog.asObject(), function(err, res) {
          // handle your errors!



Receive Dialog Submissions

When a user in Slack submits a dialog, your bot will receive a dialog_submission event which can be handled using standard controller.on('dialog_submission', function handler(bot, message) {}) format.

The form submission values can be found in the message.submission field, which is an object containing key value pairs that match the fields specified in the dialog. In addition, the message will have a message.callback_id field which identifies the form.

Slack recommends an additional layer of server-side validation of the values in message.submission. To respond with an error, use bot.dialogError()

Otherwise, you must call bot.dialogOk() to tell Slack that the submission has been successfully received by your app. They also recommend that the bot respond in some other way, such as sending a follow-up message. You can use the normal bot.reply or bot.whisper functions to send such a message.

In the example below, we define a receive middleware that performs additional validation on the submission.

// use a receive middleware hook to validate a form submission
// and use bot.dialogError to respond with an error before the submission
// can be sent to the handler
controller.middleware.receive.use(function validateDialog(bot, message, next) {

  if (message.type=='dialog_submission') {

    if (message.submission.number > 100) {
          "error":"Please specify a value below 100"



// handle a dialog submission
// the values from the form are in event.submission    
  controller.on('dialog_submission', function(bot, message) {
    var submission = message.submission;
    bot.reply(message, 'Got it!');

    // call dialogOk or else Slack will think this is an error


Send a success acknowledgement back to Slack. You must call either dialogOk() or dialogError() in response to dialog_submission events, otherwise Slack will display an error and will appear to reject the form submission.


Argument Description
error a single error object {name:, error:} or an array of error objects

Send one or more validation errors back to Slack to display in the dialog. The parameter can be one or more objects, where the name field matches the name of the field in which the error is present.

Events API

The Events API is a streamlined way to build apps and bots that respond to activities in Slack. You must setup a Slack App to use Events API. Slack events are delivered to a secure webhook, and allows you to connect to slack without the RTM websocket connection.

During development, a tool such as is useful for temporarily exposing a compatible webhook url to Slack while running Botkit privately.

To get started with the Events API:

  1. Create a Slack App
  2. Setup oauth url with Slack so teams can add your app with the slack button. Botkit creates an oAuth endpoint at http://MY_HOST/oauth if using localtunnel your url may look like this
  3. Setup request URL under Events API to receive events at. Botkit will create webhooks for slack to send messages to at http://MY_HOST/slack/receive. if using localtunnel your url may look like this
  4. Select the specific events you would like to subscribe to with your bot. Slack only sends your webhook the events you subscribe to. Read more about Event Types here
  5. When running your bot, you must configure the slack app, setup webhook endpoints, and oauth endpoints.

Note: If you are not also establishing an RTM connection, you will need to manually run the controller.startTicking() method for conversations to work properly.

var controller = Botkit.slackbot({
    debug: false,
    clientId: process.env.clientId,
    clientSecret: process.env.clientSecret,
    // Disable receiving messages via the RTM even if connected
    rtm_receive_messages: false,
    // Request bot scope to get all the bot events you have signed up for
    scopes: ['bot'],

// Setup the webhook which will receive Slack Event API requests
controller.setupWebserver(process.env.port, function(err, webserver) {

    controller.createOauthEndpoints(controller.webserver, function(err, req, res) {
        if (err) {
            res.status(500).send('ERROR: ' + err);
        } else {

    // If not also opening an RTM connection

Bot Presence

Currently presence is not supported by Slack Events API, so bot users will appear offline, but will still function normally. Developers may want to establish an RTM connection in order to make the bot appear online.

Since the Events API will send duplicates copies of many of the messages normally received via RTM, Botkit provides a configuration option that allows an RTM connection to be open, but for messages received via that connection to be discarded in favor of the Events API.

To enable this option, pass in rtm_receive_messages: false to your Botkit controller:

var controller = Botkit.slackbot({
    rtm_receive_messages: false
