👀 I'm a software developer and quality engineer with a background in web development and the creative industries. I also wrote a children's book about where English words come from. I've got experience in Python, JavaScript, Typescript and Swift, alongside Agile scrum, web development and project management skills I picked up in a previous life. I bring a unique blend of technical proficiency and strong communication skills to the table, but most of all I like to experiment with new technologies and am always looking to expand my programming skills! 👀
🌱 I’m currently working on a word-guessing game built with Typescript, and I just completed a bootcamp at Makers Academy focussing on Python, Javascript and Swift 🌱
💞️ I love to learn and work in a team, so if you're looking to collaborate on anything from apps to Stellaris mods, send me a message 💞️
📫 If you want to hear more, check out my CV on GitHub Pages or reach out on LinkedIn or here on GitHub. Or you could send me a challenge on Codewars 📫
🦦 Pronouns: he/him 🦦
⚡ Fun fact: I live with a mischievous tuxedo cat called Paco 🐈⬛
🛠️ Here are a few projects of mine you can check out 🛠️
What | Where | How |
Pictoman - A word guessing game with image clues pulled from Google Images API | https://pictoman.onrender.com/ | TypeScript, Javascript, Node.js, Google Images API |
Fridge Wizard - A web application tracking food expiry dates and suggesting recipes to users supplied by 3rd-party API | https://fridgewizard.onrender.com/ | Javascript, React, Python, Django, MongoDB, pytest, 3rd party API |
Harrow Law Centre website - Website redesign with new styling and reactive design adapted for mobile and desktop viewing. Also set up TLS security certificates and staging environment | https://www.harrowlawcentre.org.uk/ | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TLS, UI/UX design, client communication |
Acebook - Social media app built as part of a team with distinct front- and backend roles | https://github.com/PatSternberg/go-react-acebook-radon | Javascript, React, Go, Gin, PostgreSQL |
VenBnB - Full stack Python app for registering and booking properties | https://github.com/gdloparco/makersbnb-awe-team | Python, Flask, PostgreSQL |