The Smart Fridge project is an IoT-based solution designed to help users manage their refrigerator contents efficiently. It monitors the various things related, and provide realtime monitoring with mobile app
- Humidity measruement
- Tempreature measurement
- Door closed status & history
- Weight Measurement
- Power usage monitoring & hisgtory
- Food Quality Monitoring
- Display Details
- Remote access via mobile app
- Voltage Sensor (MD0492)
- Current Sensor (MD0201)
- Weight Sensor (MD0367)
- Humidity & Tempreature Sensor (DHT11)
- Food Quality (MQ2)
- Display (DM0025)
- Peltier Module (TA0870,MD0318)
- Expo
- Java EE
- Arduino
- Hibernate & MySQL

For any inquiries, please contact me