Time related app with stopwatch, timer, alarms and calculator (dates, time, age) with beautiful animated backgrounds.
See live demo.
- JavaScript
- Stopwatch with control buttons
- Timer with control buttons
- Alarms system (up to 8 alarms)
- Dates diff calculator
- Time diff calculator
- Bithday calculator
- Page animated background
- Stopwatch counting time animation
- Timer counting down time animation
What are the project requirements/dependencies? Where are they listed? A requirements.txt or a Pipfile.lock file perhaps? Where is it located?
Proceed to describe how to install / setup one's local environment / get started with the project.
How does one go about using it? Provide various use cases and code examples here.
Project is: in progress
- Smaller radius of clock in stopwatch and timer animations
- Adjusting stopwatch and timer animations when user leaves and back to page (animation stops, timer not)
- Notifications which alarm is ringing
- Turning off and delaying alarm
- Adding days in dates calulator (e.g. what date will be in 123 days from now)
- Adding hours or minutes in time calulator (e.g. what time will be in 321 minutes from now)