Read this article:
- Sign in to BigQuery
- Create new datasets called
- Create a new Google Storage bucket to store exported files
Create environment here,, use Python version 3, create variables in Airflow (Admin > Variables in the UI):
Variable | Description |
ethereum_output_bucket | GCS bucket to store exported files |
ethereum_provider_uri | URI of Ethereum node |
ethereum_destination_dataset_project_id | Project ID of BigQuery datasets |
notification_emails | email for notifications |
Check other variables in dags/
> ./ <airflow_bucket>
To upload CSVs to BigQuery:
Install Google Cloud SDK
Create a new Google Storage bucket
Upload the files:
> cd output
> gsutil -m rsync -r . gs://<your_bucket>/ethereumetl/export
Sign in to BigQuery
Create a new dataset called
Load the files from the bucket to BigQuery:
> git clone
> cd ethereum-etl-airflow/dags/resources/stages
> bq --location=US load --replace --source_format=CSV --skip_leading_rows=1 ethereum_blockchain_raw.blocks gs://<your_bucket>/ethereumetl/export/blocks/*.csv ./raw/schemas/blocks.json
> bq --location=US load --replace --source_format=CSV --skip_leading_rows=1 ethereum_blockchain_raw.transactions gs://<your_bucket>/ethereumetl/export/transactions/*.csv ./raw/schemas/transactions.json
> bq --location=US load --replace --source_format=CSV --skip_leading_rows=1 ethereum_blockchain_raw.token_transfers gs://<your_bucket>/ethereumetl/export/token_transfers/*.csv ./raw/schemas/token_transfers.json
> bq --location=US load --replace --source_format=CSV --skip_leading_rows=1 ethereum_blockchain_raw.receipts gs://<your_bucket>/ethereumetl/export/receipts/*.csv ./raw/schemas/receipts.json
> bq --location=US load --replace --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON ethereum_blockchain_raw.logs gs://<your_bucket>/ethereumetl/export/logs/*.json ./raw/schemas/logs.json
> bq --location=US load --replace --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON ethereum_blockchain_raw.contracts gs://<your_bucket>/ethereumetl/export/contracts/*.json ./raw/schemas/contracts.json
> bq --location=US load --replace --source_format=CSV --skip_leading_rows=1 --allow_quoted_newlines ethereum_blockchain_raw.tokens gs://<your_bucket>/ethereumetl/export/tokens/*.csv ./raw/schemas/tokens.json
Note that NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON is used to support REPEATED mode for the columns with lists.
Enrich blocks
> bq mk --table --description "$(cat ./enrich/descriptions/blocks.txt | tr '\n' ' ')" --time_partitioning_field timestamp ethereum_blockchain.blocks ./enrich/schemas/blocks.json
> bq --location=US query --destination_table ethereum_blockchain.blocks --use_legacy_sql=false "$(cat ./enrich/sqls/blocks.sql | tr '\n' ' ')"
Enrich transactions
> bq mk --table --description "$(cat ./enrich/descriptions/transactions.txt | tr '\n' ' ')" --time_partitioning_field block_timestamp ethereum_blockchain.transactions ./enrich/schemas/transactions.json
> bq --location=US query --destination_table ethereum_blockchain.transactions --use_legacy_sql=false "$(cat ./enrich/sqls/transactions.sql | tr '\n' ' ')"
Enrich token_transfers
> bq mk --table --description "$(cat ./enrich/descriptions/token_transfers.txt | tr '\n' ' ')" --time_partitioning_field block_timestamp ethereum_blockchain.token_transfers ./enrich/schemas/token_transfers.json
> bq --location=US query --destination_table ethereum_blockchain.token_transfers --use_legacy_sql=false "$(cat ./enrich/sqls/token_transfers.sql | tr '\n' ' ')"
Enrich logs
> bq mk --table --description "$(cat ./enrich/descriptions/logs.txt | tr '\n' ' ')" --time_partitioning_field block_timestamp ethereum_blockchain.logs ./enrich/schemas/logs.json
> bq --location=US query --destination_table ethereum_blockchain.logs --use_legacy_sql=false "$(cat ./enrich/sqls/logs.sql | tr '\n' ' ')"
Enrich contracts
> bq mk --table --description "$(cat ./enrich/descriptions/contracts.txt | tr '\n' ' ')" --time_partitioning_field block_timestamp ethereum_blockchain.contracts ./enrich/schemas/contracts.json
> bq --location=US query --destination_table ethereum_blockchain.contracts --use_legacy_sql=false "$(cat ./enrich/sqls/contracts.sql | tr '\n' ' ')"
Enrich tokens
> bq mk --table --description "$(cat ./enrich/descriptions/tokens.txt | tr '\n' ' ')" ethereum_blockchain.tokens ./enrich/schemas/tokens.json
> bq --location=US query --destination_table ethereum_blockchain.tokens --use_legacy_sql=false "$(cat ./enrich/sqls/tokens.sql | tr '\n' ' ')"