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Persistence support for NServiceBus using the NHibernate ORM.

Learn more about NServiceBus.NHibernate through our documentation.

Running the tests

The solution consists of a number of test projects with different requirements. In general, you can run all the tests safely if you have both: a SQL Server instance named SQLExpress with a database named nservicebus, and an Oracle database with an environment variable named OracleConnectionString pointing to it. If you don't have an Oracle instance available, you can skip the NServiceBus.NHibernate.AcceptanceTests-Oracle project. Further details are below.


Unit tests for the NHibernate persister. These tests have no requirements.


These tests are inherited from NServiceBus Core. The project in this repository consists only of configuration for those tests, mainly in PersistenceTestsConfiguration.cs.

When running the tests locally, a SQL Server database is required and by default, the tests assume there is a SQL Express instance named SQLExpress with a database named nservicebus. This assumption can be overridden by providing an environment variable named SqlServerConnectionString pointing to the database instance of your choice.

Some persistence tests can also execute against an Oracle database. To do so, specify an environment variable named OracleConnectionString pointing the database of your choice. If this variable is not defined, the tests will not execute against Oracle.

In a CI environment (i.e. if the CI environment variable is set, as it is with GitHub Actions), a default database is not assumed in either SQL Server or Oracle; if neither the SqlServerConnectionString nor the OracleConnectionString environment variables are explicitly set, the persistence tests will all be ignored.

To summarize:

  • When testing locally, make sure there is one or both of the following:
    • an Oracle database and an OracleConnectionString environment variable
    • EITHER a SQLExpress instance with a database named nservicebus, OR another SQL Server database and an environment variable named SqlServerConnectionString pointing to it
  • When testing in GitHub Actions, make sure there is one or both of the following:
    • an Oracle database and an OracleConnectionString environment variable
    • a SQL Server database and an environment variable named SqlServerConnectionString pointing to it
    • if neither is supplied, the tests won't execute and will be ignored

NServiceBus.NHibernate.AcceptanceTests-SqlTransportTests and NServiceBus.NHibernate.AcceptanceTests

These tests are inherited from NServiceBus Core and run a suite of tests using NHibernate as the persistence. The difference between the two suites of tests is the transport: in AcceptanceTests-SqlTransportTests, SQL Server is used as the transport while in AcceptanceTests, the tests use a custom AcceptanceTestingTransport.

When running the tests locally, a SQL Server database is required and by default, the tests assume there is a SQL Express instance named SQLExpress with a database named nservicebus. This assumption can be overridden by providing an environment variable named SqlServerConnectionString pointing to the database instance of your choice.

In a CI environment (i.e. if the CI environment variable is set, as it is with GitHub Actions), a default database is not assumed; if the SqlServerConnectionString environment variable is not explicitly set, the tests in this project will be ignored.


These tests are inherited from NServiceBus Core and run a suite of tests using NHibernate as the persistence and a custom AcceptanceTestingTransport. This project executes the acceptance tests using Oracle as the database for the NHibernate persister and with a custom AcceptanceTestingTransport.

When running the tests locally, an Oracle database is required along with an environment variable named OracleConnectionString pointing to it.

In a CI environment (i.e. if the CI environment variable is set, as it is with GitHub Actions), if the OracleConnectionString environment variable is not explicitly set, the tests in this project will be ignored.