A simple skeleton project to test Python code using pytest
- Download/Clone the repository
I have included a simple math test just to show its working. This is what I use for my Python3 TDD.
For the test portion:
- Create a new folder within tests directory like 'test_{0}'
- Create an empty init.py script in the folder
- Create 'test_{0}.py'
Replace {0} with your class name
For the class portion:
- CD into src directory
- Create an empty init.py script in the folder
- Create '{0}.py'
Replace {0} with your test name
Reference the class using an import in your test_{0}.py script
-- I have included an example to help.
- Open root folder in the terminal/command prompt
- RUN python -m pytest tests
- Python3
- pytest (Can be installed by opening terminal/command prompt and typing "pip install pytest")