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Beta Machine Learning Toolkit


The Beta Machine Learning Toolkit is a repository with several basic Machine Learning algorithms, started from implementing in the Julia language the concepts taught in the MITX 6.86x - Machine Learning with Python: from Linear Models to Deep Learning course.

Build Status Binder

Theoretical notes describing most of these algorithms are at the companion repository

This stuff most likely has value only didactically, as the approaches are the "vanilla" ones, i.e. the simplest possible ones, and GPU is not supported here. For "serious" machine learning work in Julia I suggest to use either Flux or Knet.

As the focus is mainly didactic, functions have pretty longer but more explicit names than usual.. for example the Dense layer is a DenseLayer, the RBF kernel is radialKernel, etc.

That said, Julia is a relatively fast language and most hard job is done in multithreaded functions or using matrix operations whose underlying libraries may be multithreaded, so it is reasonably fast for small exploratory tasks. Also it is already very flexible. For example, one can implement its own layer as a subtype of the abstract type Layer or its own optimisation algorithm as a subtype of OptimisationAlgorithm or even specify its own distance metric in the Kmedoids algorithm..


Please refer to the package documentation (stable | dev) or use the Julia inline package system (just press the question mark ? and then, on the special help prompt help?>, type the module or function name).

Module currently implemented are Perceptron, Nn, Clustering and Utils.

We also provide some notebooks that can be run online without installing anything, so you can start playing with the library in minutes.

If you are looking for an introductory book on Julia, have a look on "Julia Quick Syntax Reference"(Apress,2019).


Using an Artificial Neural Network for multinomial categorisation

# Load Modules
using BetaML.Nn, DelimitedFiles, Random, StatsPlots # Load the main module and ausiliary modules
Random.seed!(123); # Fix the random seed (to obtain reproducible results)

# Load the data
iris     = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(Base.find_package("BetaML")),"..","test","data","iris.csv"),',',skipstart=1)
iris     = iris[shuffle(axes(iris, 1)), :] # Shuffle the records, as they aren't by default
x        = convert(Array{Float64,2}, iris[:,1:4])
y        = map(x->Dict("setosa" => 1, "versicolor" => 2, "virginica" =>3)[x],iris[:, 5]) # Convert the target column to numbers
y_oh     = oneHotEncoder(y) # Convert to One-hot representation (e.g. 2 => [0 1 0], 3 => [0 0 1])

# Split the data in training/testing sets
ntrain    = Int64(round(size(x,1)*0.8))
xtrain    = x[1:ntrain,:]
ytrain    = y[1:ntrain]
ytrain_oh = y_oh[1:ntrain,:]
xtest     = x[ntrain+1:end,:]
ytest     = y[ntrain+1:end]

# Define the Artificial Neural Network model
l1   = DenseLayer(4,10,f=relu) # Activation function is ReLU
l2   = DenseLayer(10,3)        # Activation function is identity by default
l3   = VectorFunctionLayer(3,3,f=softMax) # Add a (parameterless) layer whose activation function (softMax in this case) is defined to all its nodes at once
mynn = buildNetwork([l1,l2,l3],squaredCost,name="Multinomial logistic regression Model Sepal") # Build the NN and use the squared cost (aka MSE) as error function

# Training it (default to SGD)
res = train!(mynn,scale(xtrain),ytrain_oh,epochs=100,batchSize=6) # Use optAlg=SGD (Stochastic Gradient Descent) by default

# Test it
ŷtrain        = predict(mynn,scale(xtrain))   # Note the scaling function
ŷtest         = predict(mynn,scale(xtest))
trainAccuracy = accuracy(ŷtrain,ytrain,tol=1) # 0.983
testAccuracy  = accuracy(ŷtest,ytest,tol=1)   # 1.0

# Visualise results
testSize = size(ŷtest,1)
ŷtestChosen =  [argmax(ŷtest[i,:]) for i in 1:testSize]
groupedbar([ytest ŷtestChosen], label=["ytest" "ŷtest (est)"], title="True vs estimated categories") # All records correctly labelled !
plot(0:res.epochs,res.ϵ_epochs, ylabel="epochs",xlabel="error",legend=nothing,title="Avg. error per epoch on the Sepal dataset")


Short term

  • adding other optimisation algorithms to NN
  • sorting out cluster API (EM for generic mixtures)

Long term

  • Support Vector Machine (if anyone request it)
  • Add convolutional layers and RNN support


The development of this package at the Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée (BETA, Nancy) was supported by the French National Research Agency through the Laboratory of Excellence ARBRE, a part of the “Investissements d'Avenir” Program (ANR 11 – LABX-0002-01).



Beta Machine Learning Toolkit







No packages published


  • Jupyter Notebook 74.6%
  • Julia 24.3%
  • Python 1.1%