A local-first mobile messaging app. The goal is to not store messages in the server.
Client: React Native, EXPO, SQLite3
Server: Python 3.12, Django, Redis, Postgres, Daphne
IAAS: Azure, AWS, (Terraform)
docker-compose.yaml file already contains all the default variables for development set up.
you can modify as needed, for example if you already have containers or services running on the ports that are going to be used.
docker compose up --build
If you want to use Google Authentication, you will need to access django admin and create a new Social application.
first shutdown docker compose.
docker compose down
Modify docker-compose.yaml adding a new port forwarding between web (django) container and your host machine.
For example:
- "8000:8000"
- "8899:8899" # try one that is available both on the container and on host: <host>:<container>
run docker compose again.
docker compose up --build
# access django container
docker-compose exec web bash # web is the django container name
# create superuser
python manage.py createsuperuser
# run django with runserver using the correct port
python manage.py runserver
On host machine access http://localhost:8899/admin
and add Social applications
after that you can close the runserver, run compose down, and rebuild again without the additional port forwarding
For more experienced users, the above may be achieved using manage.py shell
and creating the object
To support these features you will need to follow the #Support for file upload
at Terraform Readme file
This steps only apply if you don't want to run Django on a container
- run only Postgres and Redis containers.
- open Backend and follow steps
Deploy backend infrastructure using Azure & AWS with Terraform script.
Follow instructions at Terraform
Open Frontend instructions for building the Expo app.
title Send/Receive message
participant SenderDB as SenderDB
participant Sender as Sender
participant Django as Django
participant DjangoDB as DjangoDB
participant DjangoRedis as DjangoRedis
participant Receiver as Receiver
participant ReceiverDB as ReceiverDB
Sender->>Django: wss(msg)
Django->>Sender: status(msg_sent)
Sender->>SenderDB: update(msg_status)
Django->>DjangoDB: store(msg)
Django->>DjangoRedis: findMsgReceiver(msg.receiverId)
DjangoRedis-->>Django: return channel_obj
alt No channel_obj
note right of Django: The message will be sent when the receiver is online
else channel_obj exists
Django->>Receiver: sendMessage(msg)
Receiver->>ReceiverDB: store(msg)
Receiver-->>Django: return confirmationId
alt No confirmationId
note right of Django: Wait for receiver to confirm message receipt
else confirmationId exists
Django->>Sender: status(msg_received)
Sender->>SenderDB: update(msg_status)
Django->>DjangoDB: delete(msg.id)