based web+android public transport app (for Lyon, France - TCL ), adaptable to apache Cordova on iPhone and Project Westminster on Windows 10
Live demo :
Web app
Display TCL's data
Search nearest stations
See stops in street view
Display TCL's data
Search nearest stations
Just install it on you web server, either apache, nginx..
Generate the .json data, for TCL, download the .sqlite from and launch genData.php.
The current google play TCL ("Transports en Communs Lyonnais") app is old and do not respect google's guidelines anymore.. Moreover, there is no app for windows 10, and the windows phone app is really basic..
You can do anything unchecked on the todo list. If I'm doing one of those thing, I check it on the todo list. (and put it on "what work" when finished) - so fork the project, and when done send me a pull request
an Apache Cordova branch - Android (&iPhone) app java android folder now exists -
Project Westminster branch - Universal Windows 10 app
- Integrate with Cortana voice commands
firefoxOS branch
Adapt it to your own city (in new forks ?)
Web app things
- show timetables ("horaires" button)
- manage favorites
- generate a "map.json" data with line trajectories
- make a huge google map page to see stations/stops/lines
- add options to select which lines to show
- adapt it to the cards's "map" button
- add a velov map
Android-Java things
- Display TCL's data
- Search nearest stations
- See stops in street view
- show timetables ("horaires" button)
- manage favorites
- generate a "map.json" data with line trajectories
- make a huge google map page to see stations/stops/lines
- add options to select which lines to show
- adapt it to the cards's "map" button
- add a velov map
doT is licensed under the MIT License - template engine jQuery is licensed under the MIT License - could be replaced by zepto later ? © Google, 2015. Licensed under an Apache-2 license. - Google's library of material design components
LOGO by Anshul Dhiman License: Creative Commons (Attribution 3.0 Unported)
We need to create one for the project (following those guidelines )
Code released under the MIT license.