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Hello. Thank you for your effort of this interesting project.
Currently, I am working with my costomized environment. I followed the tutorial of [Environment Customization From Scratch](url) . My costomized env has a fixed steps for each epochs, 96 steps per epoch.
I have run the single step check of my env, and the results wents well. However, when I run the training loop, I found that after 10 steps, the actions values became NaN and raise the error:
After reading the exising discussions, bugs and questions, I found my question is very similar to the [ bug](url), that the problems may lies in the configuration. However, after I checked my configuration, there are no value that control the early termination after 10 steps. Here is my configuration:
Therefore, I would like to ask if there is any internal parameters of the algorithms that, for example, trunicate the env after 10 steps?
Thank you for your help.