This is:
- [ X ] a bug report
What is the expected behavior?
When creating a spreadsheet from html, we can insert comments by adding a tag with the class comment
. It should add a comment to the cell, without also adding the comment in the cell value.
What is the current behavior?
A comment is created and the comment is also copied in the cell.
What are the steps to reproduce?
$reader = new \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Html();
$spreadsheet = $reader->loadFromString($htmlString);
$writer = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory::createWriter($spreadsheet, 'Xls');
@foreach($headings as $heading)
@foreach($failures as $rowKey => $failure)
@foreach($failure as $key => $value)
$style = '';
$comment = '';
if (isset($failingAttributes[$rowKey])) {
if ($failingAttributes[$rowKey]->contains($key)) {
$style = 'background-color:#FC4140;';
$comment = $failuresMessages[$rowKey][$key];
<td style="{{$style}}">
@if($comment) <i class="comment" style="visibility:hidden;display:none;" hidden>{{$comment}}</i> @endif
{{ $value }}
Additionnal info
We can modify processDomElementSpanEtc
function to solve this problem.
private function processDomElementSpanEtc(Worksheet $sheet, int &$row, string &$column, string &$cellContent, DOMElement $child, array &$attributeArray): void
if (in_array((string) $child->nodeName, self::SPAN_ETC, true)) {
if (isset($attributeArray['class']) && $attributeArray['class'] === 'comment') {
$sheet->getComment($column . $row)
if (!isset($attributeArray['class']) && !$attributeArray['class'] === 'comment') { // Adding this conditional fixes the issue. A comment should not be rendered inside the cell.
$this->processDomElement($child, $sheet, $row, $column, $cellContent);
if (isset($this->formats[$child->nodeName])) {
$sheet->getStyle($column . $row)->applyFromArray($this->formats[$child->nodeName]);
} else {
$this->processDomElementHr($sheet, $row, $column, $cellContent, $child, $attributeArray);
Also, here is a link to my SO question, which includes screenshots of actual result and expected result.
Which versions of PhpSpreadsheet and PHP are affected?
PHP 8.0.7
PhpSpreadsheet 1.18.0
No labels