Using prefixed Guzzle with PHP-Prefixer plug-in for WordPress. A plug-in to showcase the PHP-Prefixer service and how to use Guzzle in the WordPress Ecosystem.
A plug-in to integrate Guzzle, PHP HTTP client, in a WordPress plug-in with PHP-Prefixer. The plug-in shows a number fact from using Guzzle as HTTP client. It is inspired by the Hello Dolly plug-in.
It’s super quick to get a PHP-Prefixer project up and running. Install any library freely. PHP-Prefixer will manage your namespaces.
- Use the same libraries across all platforms: Develop your solutions using the same libraries for all the platforms you work in, specifically WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Laravel, Symfony, Slim Framework, etc.
- Composer + WordPress: Use Composer for your WordPress projects. PHP-Prefixer will process the dependencies to run smoothly along with other third-party plug-ins.
- Fully integrated with Git: Declare your name space configuration and let the service produce the packages. No local installation. No Phars. No new dependencies.
Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client that makes it easy to send HTTP requests and trivial to integrate with web services. For more information, please, visit
- Blog: New Tutorial: Using PHP Composer in the WordPress Ecosystem
- Documentation: How to Prefix a WordPress Plugin
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