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[BUG] Mixed languages #978




版本号 - Version


操作系统平台和系统架构 - OS and CPU Arch

Windows 10, Build 19045 x64

部署方式 - Deploy methods

  • Windows .exe 安装程序 (Windows .exe Installer)
  • Windows .zip 绿色部署包 (Windows .zip Portable)
  • Docker
  • JAR 包直接启动 (Start via .JAR directly)
  • 群晖 DSM 套件 (Synology .spk package)
  • Debian 软件包 (Debian .deb package)
  • RedHat/Fedora 软件包 (RedHat/Fedora .rpm package)
  • FreeBSD 软件包(FreeBSD .pkg package)

添加的下载器 - Added Downloaders

  • qBittorrent
  • BiglyBT/Azureus/Vuze
  • Deluge
  • Transmission
  • BitComet

问题描述 - Issue Description

Started happening after updating to v7.4.0. I have both frontend and backend languages set to English but as you can see in Screenshots it displays ban reason in Chinese. Also, when changes are saved in WebUI, the popup notification is in Chinese too.

复现步骤 - Reproduce steps

I don't know how to reproduce it, did a deep reinstall but it didn't help.

截图/日志文件 - Screenshot / Logs


额外信息 - Addition Information

No response

检查清单 - Check list

  • PeerBanHelper 已更新到最新版本,非最新版本不接受任何错误反馈,任何非最新版本的 Issue 将被 立 刻 关 闭,不会有人给您提供任何支持 (I'm running the latest version of PBH that can be found in Github Relases, non-latest release won't receive any support)
  • 所添加的下载器已满足 README 中的前置要求(如版本号和插件)(The downloaders that I've added already satisfied the requirements (E.g install plugins/adapters))
  • 我已检查过 PBH 文档(特别是常见问题),且即使使用了搜索也没有找到与此有关的内容 (This not a question/or the question that not listed in README's FAQ or PBH WIKI)
  • 我没有检查这个检查清单,只是闭眼选中了所有的复选框,请关闭这个 Issue (I have not read these checkboxes and therefore I just ticked them all, Please close this issue)
  • 这不是一个安全漏洞,它可以被安全的公开报告。若需要报告安全漏洞,请在此报告 (This not a security related issue, can be safe report in public. If you want report a security exploit, please report it here)
  • 我同意遵守 PBH-BTN 包容性条约,不发布 “嘲讽、骂战、引战、开盒(有时也称为人肉搜索)、人身攻击、仇恨、暴力、侮辱性言辞、违法违规、黑灰产、危害国家安全、实施或帮助他人实施电信犯罪” 等内容。并已知晓如果仍旧发布了这些内容,我的账号将立刻从包括但不限于 PBH-BTN 组织、社交软件中封禁。所有主题、内容都将被立刻删除或折叠,撤销、删除和收回您所做出的一切贡献,并封禁 BTN 网络的中账号权限、排除您所提交的所有数据。在您违反相关规则时,PBH-BTN 将会将您的注册、登录、和最近访问的 IP 地址、电子邮件地址、以及其它可能追踪您或将您去匿名化的信息从定期删除转为永不删除,并在任何国家或地区的政府、公安机关或有关部门需要时无通知的提供这些数据。 (I agree to abide by the PBH-BTN Inclusivity Pact by not posting content such as “taunting, name-calling, war-mongering, open-boxing (sometimes referred to as mansplaining), personal attacks, hatred, violence, insulting language, illegal activities, black and grey business, endangering national security, and committing or assisting others in committing telecommunication crimes”. I am aware that if I continue to post such content, my account will be immediately banned from organizations including but not limited to PBH-BTN, social software. All topics and content will be immediately deleted or collapsed, all contributions will be revoked, deleted and retracted, and you will be banned from the BTN network and all data you have submitted will be excluded. In the event of a violation of these rules, PBH-BTN will delete your registration, login, and most recent IP address, email address, and any other information that may be used to track you or de-anonymize you from regular to permanent deletion, and will make this data available to the government, public security, or other relevant authorities without notice if they request it, no matter what country or region.)


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    backendThis is a backend relatedbug程序错误,有什么东西无法正常工作confirmed该问题已经过确认


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