A python script we made for easily managing discord mods. Why? Why not!
- Python (tested with 3.11 but 3.10 will probably also work)
- Rich:
pip install rich
There are different prerequisites for each mod supported, which are usually listed somewhere along their installation process.
- Replugged: (Please note that replugged is in developer beta, see their repository for more information)
- Git
- NodeJS
- pnpm: (
npm i -g pnpm
- Clone/download the repository
- Run
using python - Choose the mod you want to manage, and the program will guide you through installing/managing said mod
Client modding is technically against Discord's Terms of Service, even though they don't usually ban anyone over it. Please keep this in mind in your future endeavours.
Additionally, we do not own or contribute to any of the client mods that you can use this tool with. We were simply bored one day and decided to make a tool to make things easier for ourselves. For more information about each individual mod, please see their repositories:
Additionally, if there's an issue with a client mod, report it to the developers of the mod, not us. Only report issues with the installer here.