This is an example of how you can perform a search for a Mercadona product.
Mercadona api itself don´t have a public method for searching products (or i did not saw it). With this method, you can search for products and have returned their id, that you can use to search with it more information about the product in their official api.
To try this, you should download or open a CodeSpace on this repo.
Then, when you are in the folder, you have to install the packages:
pnpm i
or with npm
npm i
or with yarn
Then, you can run {pnpm/npm/yarn} start
, this will show you the products that match the query 'patatas fritas' (fries).
If you go to index.js
file, you can change this query in the queryArray
constant, just change the content and introduce what you want to search.
- xml2js -> To transform xml to json, used in
All the devDependencies are the linter config. The linter used is Airbnb