A command-line program for self-help dictation supporting Chinese, Japanese and English.
It's the first product of my Rust learning. Mostly for my own use, but if you find any issues or have good ideas, just let me know.
Use clap to parse arguments
Use Lingua to detect languages automatically.
Use TTS-RS to speak out the words in various backends.
Two Modes:
- Dictate Mode for Self-dictation. Check the answer in real time
- Read Mode just read over the word list
Switch Male/Female
Switch whether to shuffle the word list
Set speaking rate
Build it or download the release.
Run it in the console. take --help
as argument for help, like:
PS C:\Users\OuOu\Desktop> .\ouou_dictation.exe --help
A command-line program for multi-language self-help dictation.
Usage: ouou_dictation.exe [OPTIONS] --path <PATH> [MODE] [GENDER]
[MODE] [default: dictate] [possible values: dictate, read]
[GENDER] [default: female] [possible values: male, female]
-p, --path <PATH>
-r, --rate <RATE> Use like 0.5/2.0 [default: 0.9]
-d, --dont-shuffle Do not shuffle the word list
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
If you want to use it for a long time, it is more convenient to add the exe to the environment path.
ouou-dictation don't have a shorter name like rg(ripgrep) currently, but you can create an alias yourself:
- In Windows Powershell:
Unlike some Unix shells, you cannot assign an alias to a command with parameters in Powershell. Instead, you must create a function to propagate arguments and stdin input. To keep the function alive permanently, declare it in
(if not exists, runNew-Item -Type file -Force $profile
to create it):
function ood {
$count = @($input).Count
if ($count) {
$input | ouou_dictation.exe $args
else {
ouou_dictation.exe $args
- In Linux Shell:
alias ood='ouou_dictation'