Welcome to the Belmont runners club.
This repository hosts the source code for our club's website.
- React (with hooks)
- Redux
- Material UI
- React router
- Typescript
- Firebase - Firestore, Functions, Authentication, Storage, and Hosting.
- Stripe - online payment processing.
- Mailgun - email API service.
- Mailchimp - Updating the contacts directory for email marketing.
- Sentry - error monitoring that helps discover, triage, and prioritize errors in real-time.
- Drift - live chat.
- CircleCI - continuous integration and delivery.
- Cloudflare - CDN, DNS, DDoS protection and security.
- OpenWeatherMap - current weather, daily forecast.
- LogRocket - logging and session reply.
- Gravatar - Globally Recognised Avatar. A web service that allows users to upload a personal online avatar and associate it with their email address.
- Facebook integration.
- Google maps integration.
- Instagram integration.