was thinking of a default in variable name parser, but seems it is just a lake of variable name searching in namespaces, like if the _ namespace if never scanned by search var function.
see the code:
/// <summary>
/// search in variables the path according to these precedence rules:
/// - absolute path
/// - path related to Local
/// - path related to Env
/// - path related to Global
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Get(string path, out object value, bool throwException = true)
var r = _dataRegistry.Get(path, out value)
|| _dataRegistry.Get(Nsp(VariableNamespace.local, path), out value)
|| _dataRegistry.Get(Nsp(, path), out value)
|| _dataRegistry.Get(Nsp(VariableNamespace.env, path), out value);
if (!r && throwException)
throw new VariablePathNotFoundException(path);
return r;
there is no search in:
what is strange is that search in absolute path failed for _.{..}
to reproduce:
> echo $_./