A satisfactory 3D Engine that works for roblox.
Check the latest release and the Wiki.
- Object File loading
- Textures
- View Plane Clipping
- Z Depth Buffer
- Support for CFrame Matrices
- Model functions like moving, rotating and sizing
- And much more!
To render textures and read them inside roblox, my engine uses the CanvasDraw module. I do not own this module, and it is only as optimized as the creator made it to be. This also uses ported code from Python which this guy made: https://www.youtube.com/c/@FinFet. It also uses a triangle clipping function that was ported from this guy's ConsoleGameEngine: https://www.youtube.com/c/@javidx9. I will probably be updating this repository to fix other bugs or use other methods. If you are using this, please credit me.
Note: This engine is not perfect, it still needs to be optimized more.